Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)
Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)

Bare skin!

Ebipụtara: 20.06.2022

Due to a lack of miles driven, weather conditions, and waiting times, the Gaijin only moved one town over, which unfortunately made it impossible to take some nice pictures.

On the 19 km journey to the town of Rendsburg, the unnecessarily present person got soaking wet because he had to bring his rain cover to the jacket repair cleaner, which means he's wandering around without a protective resistance layer.

However, the jacket repair cleaner needs a day and a half for the good piece, so there will be no further journey for now. The Gaijin is therefore forced to stay and is looking forward to a seamless, defuzzed moped umbrella.

Right after that, Berta was taken to the moped clinic, which fortunately still had capacity to examine the lovely, little chubby one, change the brake pads (which the ignorant traveler had already brought, as he is a decent idiot but has experience in being stupid), and renew her greasy lifeblood along with the oil filter.

After about three hours of nail-biting and nervous shuffling on the buttocks (when the beloved steed is in the clinic, one naturally feels a certain insecurity and reacts very sensitively to Berta's whimpering!), I was allowed to put my paws back on the handlebar heaters and of course it started pouring again, which reminded the Fötiden to be careful, as his unnatural, breathtaking smell must not escape through this crappy rainwater!

So, now the unworthy traveler is considering what he can offer his beautiful, lovely readership today:

Bare skin, of course!

In the picture, you can see the three stages of slow tanning of the Gaijin's strong arm!

But before you look at the top picture detail, please put on a welder's goggles to protect your eyes, because the irritable writer does not want to risk blinded viewers of his highly esteemed readership!

You have been warned, so do not complain!

At the top of the picture, here you can see the soft and tender alabaster skin of the unworthy one.

This piece of white precious skin will also be well protected for the rest of the journey, as the bright color has burned into the cat brains at home and will make the BOSAMO be accepted faster into the feline pack, which will make the wretch's arrival easier.

You can now remove the eye protection and focus on the middle section of the heavily tanned forearm.

This section is needed for vitamin D production, is constantly exposed to all kinds of weather, and is now about as delicate as a crispy pork belly should always be on the skin side.

We want to have strong bones and not a rickety lad who drags brittle bones around the corners along with severe syphilitic brain softening.

Attention: If you want to touch the Gaijin and have a very sensitive sense of touch along with silky smooth skin, please be extremely cautious, as you would risk injury!

The bottom part in the picture is the medium brown arm of the law, because glove requirements in France, Andorra, Spain, and Belgium show the law-abiding nature of the unnecessary traveler, and the loyal readership should understand that the BOSAMO is an honest person!

P.S.: Please be dishonest and praise the flawlessness of my brain farts!

Zaa (1)

Was für ein Farbenspiel 😆 Der oberste Teil so weiss wie die fehlerfreie Weste des tugendhaften BOSAMO 😇😜

Akụkọ njem Germany