
Travel statistics

Ebipụtara: 23.03.2017

We have been back home for two months now and still struggle with wanderlust:-)

During our 10-week trip, we flew and drove for several kilometers. A brief summary shows our routes.


During our world trip, we flew 48,877km in eleven flights, once around the world. We traveled with six different airlines, with Air New Zealand being by far the best airline. By the way, we flew with seven different types of aircraft, with the Dreamliner (Boeing 787) being the most comfortable and modern aircraft. We spent over 60 hours on the plane, with the actual flight time being 55 hours.


In New Zealand, we drove 3650km with our right-hand drive camper and needed 392 liters of petrol. In the Hawaiian Islands, we traveled 473 miles (761km) in Kauai and 586 miles (943km) in Maui. In Florida, we added another 1540 miles (2480km). So in total, we covered 7,834 km on four wheels. For comparison, that means we did the drive from Lucerne to Geneva and back 15 times.


For information about the travel costs of our unforgettable world trip, please contact sporto-di-mondo personally :-)

