
The Couloir

Ebipụtara: 03.01.2020

When you venture into new territories, it means overcoming your own fears. Developing oneself means nothing more than overcoming fears, stepping out of the comfort zone, changing perspective, and trusting. Often, one must destroy their ego and stand completely naked in order to feel their own strength again.

It's like with a steep and snowy couloir. The entrance to the couloir is blocked by a meter-high cornice. Sliding down into the unknown. Will the cornice hold? What if I fall upon landing and slide down the slope over the rocks into the abyss? I see that there are other ski tracks, other people have already gone down before me. The avalanche danger is in the green zone and what I see seems relatively safe. My partner is optimistic, he jumps down and encourages me. So the risk seems manageable. And I jump into the unknown.....

I want danger as assurance that I am alive.


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