michi entdeckt die welt
michi entdeckt die welt

Puerto Varas

Ebipụtara: 18.04.2017

And I skip the half-finished post about the hostel in Castro again, because I got myself tangled up in my perfectionism... But so that I don't fall too far behind, here's something more recent: Puerto Varas! On Easter Sunday, I drove 4 hours from Castro to Puerto Montt, where I finally took the photo that I couldn't take on my last stop here on the way, due to my freshly stolen cell phone:

Then I took a small bus from there to Puerto Varas and I was proud that I can now easily communicate in Spanish for such things.

My backpack had to cuddle up to the bus driver, because there was no space for him (NOT the little one in the aisle!)

When I wanted to buy my ticket the Saturday before, it became a bit exciting, because on Easter, there are no big buses going to Puerto Varas. Luckily, Camila, the owner of the hostel, gave me the advice to go to Puerto Montt and from there to look for a small bus, because they always run.

Puerto Varas is located on the beautiful Lake Llanquihue, which even has a beach and from which you can see the Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes.

Once again, I spent an incredible amount of time thinking about whether to take a trip to a volcano or not because the tour is quite expensive, or to take a normal bus to a waterfall or something... Do I want to find people to do things together or be alone?... I always find it difficult to decide. But here on my travels, this problem is really hellish and costs so much time and energy! Always the fear of missing out or making the wrong decision, instead of enjoying all the great things that are happening right now..

In the end, I didn't do any of the things that were initially options, and still had a great time (and even much cheaper than the tourist tours!)

Even though I had to get used to traveling alone again, after hanging out with Emily almost around the clock for two weeks.

On Monday, I visited (after the elaborate search for the right bus terminal where I bought my ticket for the next leg of my journey) the museum of Pablo Fierro. Can you find me?

As far as I understand, Pablo Fierro renovated one or more old houses to exhibit things and his paintings. This museum was somehow in Puerto Montt before, and then moved. My reading comprehension and patience are not yet sufficient for much more :D

But the house is so nostalgically beautiful and full of corners. Behind every corner, there's another staircase and a room where you wouldn't expect it.

Admission is free, there is only a donation box, and there are thank-you notes from visitors expressing their joy in this beautiful place all around the house! Such a beautiful idea!

On Wednesday, I met up with Micaela, whom I know from my hostel in Castro, where she took a trip. She works in a hostel here but is from Buenos Aires, the same age as me, and has the Spanish version of my name. From the first second, we got along great. So we strolled through the city, drank tea at her hostel, and then went to the beach. At least at lunchtime, it was finally pleasantly warm during those two days! However, I was probably the only one in the whole city who took the occasion to wear shorts :D

Zaa (1)

Hallo liebe Michaela, bin ganz belebt von Deiner Erzählung und den Fotos. Insbesondere das Musueum von Pablo Fierro hat es mir angetan. Danke, dass Du auch von innen Fotos gemacht hast. Sonst wäre meine Neugierde unbefriedigt geblieben. Und die Gestaltung der Fotos finde ich sehr passend zum Museum. Total schön! Und damit ich Dir auf diesem Weg schreiben konnte, bin ich sogar auf Facebook, weil es mit meiner Google.Com-Adresse irgendwie nicht geklappt hat. Das will schon was heißen! Liebste Grüße Maria

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