Komm, lass uns abenteuern!
Komm, lass uns abenteuern!

Slip! Slop! Slap!

Ebipụtara: 27.02.2020

Slip! Slop! Slap!
Slip on a Shirt! Slop on sunscreen! Slap on a hat!
Following this Australian motto, we spent the next 2 days. Actually, we only wanted to make a short stopover in Colac. Have lunch and use the free Wi-Fi. But suddenly we were greeted with 30 degrees and sunshine, an irresistible lake, and a beautiful botanical garden. We couldn't resist. So we quickly checked in at the caravan park by the lake, slip slop slap, and off to the warm air!
This is a place to fall in love with. Pelicans, black swans, and flying foxes create an unforgettable atmosphere. Together with the scents of the tropical flower world, the mood is magical.

Nevertheless, we unfortunately had to continue to Sydney. So we hit the freeway. Through Melbourne we were accompanied by - surprise... rain and clouds...! Passing giant trucks and signs warning about koalas on the road, we mindlessly drove along the freeway. Further and further past huge cattle and sheep farms and small villages. The dimensions really become clear when you're driving.
At some point, we took the exit, as we needed a place to sleep. And guess what, we ended up right at McLeod's Daughters! A farmer (probably Nick 😉) was herding sheep through a gate on his motorcycle with the help of his dog. And otherwise just endless vastness, here and there some cattle... and then suddenly in front of us Lake Hume. A lovely large lake sparkled in the afternoon sun. Another place to relax. And so, what was supposed to be a place to sleep turned into a place to stay for 2 nights and a day! The plan to visit Canberra was quickly replaced by lounging by the pool and enjoying the view of the lake. Here, parrots and ibises steal bread from your plate and gather in the evening for a nightly gossip session in front of our camper van on the grass.
The lake itself is almost dried up in autumn and now only deep enough to sail in the distance. It is a reservoir that supplies South Australia with water and will be refilled with rainwater in the winter.
Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye here as well and continue the final stretch to Sydney. After all, the other 2 will arrive early the day after tomorrow and want to be properly welcomed 😁.


Akụkọ njem Ọstrelia