
Construction of a kindergarten in Tanzania: Part 6

Ebipụtara: 28.07.2017

Progress of construction

As there is something new to see every day, here is a short update for today. The support pillars for the 2-room building were concreted today. This time according to my instructions and command. It went really well. If Henry hadn't cut his finger twice, it would have been perfect. It just wasn't his day, but ours! We also celebrated reaching our daily goal in the evening.

In the meantime, the formwork for the ring beam of the hexagonal building has been completed by Baba Steve and other helpers. It looks good, although somewhat adventurous in some parts. Now the reinforcement is still missing. The iron for it will be prepared tomorrow morning (cutting, bending, fixing). If everything goes really well, we might even pour the concrete tomorrow. At least that's the goal of Fundi, I find it quite ambitious. But tomorrow the plan could also be different again. It happens here all the time and I'm getting more relaxed about it.

Work safety

As you have probably already seen in the photo gallery, people here don't pay much attention to safety, especially on the construction site. The trade union or the safety officer would probably immediately stop all work on the construction site here in Tanzania. But I still feel relatively safe on the construction site. However, I have to constantly remind the people to clean up lying objects or to pull out nails from boards or wooden poles or to knock them in properly. It will take a while, but Henry sometimes pays attention and even instructs others to work more neatly and safely. In those moments, I'm proud of him for internalizing it so quickly. Maybe he'll become a great person one day. At least he has now managed to get a permanent position here in the house. Congratulations to him!

What else interests you?

Since I won't be here in Tanzania for much longer, I wanted to ask you if there is any specific topic you are still interested in? Just write to me via email or WhatsApp or use the comment function below, then I will possibly write another post about it.

Sunny greetings from Tanzania

Yours Klaus
