
Bike ride to Goedereede

Ebipụtara: 22.02.2018

Today the weather was finally friendly to us! Bright sunshine, pleasant temperature - the perfect weather! So we decided to go on a small bike ride from Ouddorp to nearby Goedereede. We rented two bikes and set off. The route was really beautiful, it led directly through the dunes, from where you had a wonderful view of the landscape and occasionally even the sea. The ride was really great in this weather!

After getting lost in between, we arrived in Goedereede after about an hour. First, we parked the bikes and then started exploring the 'town'. If you can call it that. There is not much to see in Goedereede. The village (as I would rather call it) is not very big and doesn't offer any real sights. We wanted to sit down somewhere for a coffee or something similar, but somehow everything seemed deserted there.

We didn't stay there for very long and soon started our way back. So the actual highlight was the bike ride itself, as there wasn't much to see at the destination :D But the trip by bike was already worth it in this wonderful weather. So we extended the return journey a bit. We had a nice day, though!


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