

Ebipụtara: 04.04.2023

Ayutthaya - an ancient city - the former capital of Bangkok to visit - it was recommended multiple times and so it was clear - I will meet Sergey and his family there.

Sergey is a Couchsurfing host who hosted me in St. Petersburg in 2019, currently living in Bangkok with his wife and 5-year-old.

Ayutthaya is 1 hour away from Bangkok by train and it was incredibly hot there, so it was great that I changed trains early in the morning after the night train.

It was decided - I will spend the midday heat with a traditional Thai massage - highly recommended!

In the evening, the three from Bangkok arrived and it was just a very warm reunion.

On Saturday, we went back on the scooter and explored the old temples. It would have been too hot and a bit dangerous for the bike.
There was coconut ice cream in a roll
Someone must have run out of waffles at some point.

To get in the mood for my next destination, we fortified ourselves at the Japanese restaurant and hid from the sun.
A traditional dish - Soba noodles sounded quite exciting - but then we had cold noodles! What - that's supposed to surprise me in Japan. Well, I'm curious!

I also had a pancake here again, it folds a bit like a folded record when eating.


Akụkọ njem Thailand