
chateauneuf du pape to port saint louis du rhone

Ebipụtara: 30.05.2019

today we are getting up a bit later (6:30). breaking down the tent. heating up milk for the muesli. and then we're off. first, going up a bit and then towards arles. after an hour, we treat ourselves to the first coffee (and a strawberry tart). a little oasis in the middle of nowhere. we continue driving vigorously, kilometer after kilometer on the asphalt road. the road is good and with a tailwind, we're going very fast.

in beaucaire, just before noon, we have a coffee and an apricot cake (urs has a café-éclaire). then it's not much longer until we see the long-awaited bridge of avignon. it still lacks a piece. but that's how it should be.

we've left many mc donalds / pizzerias behind. because we've already bought a baguette and already finished off yesterday's brie cheese. with a cucumber and an orange for dessert.

we continue towards arles. even though we already have over 70 km on the clock, we speed up and drive through arles and all the way to the sea to port saint louis du rhone. what we don't know is that the campsite is still 5 km against the wind and an automotive ferry away.

but we manage that too and arrive 126 km later at 6 p.m. on the way, we bought and cooked green curry (hotter than expected) and chicken cutlets with pasta (we had rice yesterday). with a carrot and cabbage salad on the side.

since the food tastes so good at the restaurant and it's also warm, we treat ourselves to a cold plate and a glass of wine.


Akụkọ njem France