
Graduation Day

Ebipụtara: 14.03.2018

Well, after sobering up, I polished my speech. Then I had breakfast with Baba and she gave me a small gift :D How sweet! btw. I have to share it with you all...-.-

Then at school, Veena handed me my report card and talked to me for so long, saying how beautiful it was and how much she will miss me blaaaaaaa, that I almost started crying in front of her xD Anyway, then I went to Paul D. to pick up my grades and hugged him. My grades were surprisingly good. I thought I screwed up the final exam because I guessed 15% of the questions in the last 10 seconds xD and then I ended up being one of the best in the exam, and overall in the school hehe

Then finally came the big ceremony. Everyone received their certificates and Katrielie, Suzane, and I gave our speeches. #1 was very... grateful #2 was very... sad and my #3 was very... AWESOME!!! they recorded everything^^ Surprisingly, I also won the School Spirit Award xD for whatever reason^^' I guess it was a nice guy next door D:

Then we took a looooot of photos and signed flags and books, and then we went to the Indian restaurant and enjoyed lunch together. Best curry I've ever had. Well... mine, or Anne's, is better. Then the gay Brazilian guy started dancing. The confused Indians wondered where he escaped from and our fellow Brazilians felt second-hand embarrassment like never before xD btw. Best German word. There's no English equivalent xD

Afterwards, our small group of friends, Cata, Caro, Victor, Omar, Ai, and I, went to a cafe to keep writing and then to a bar. One last drink of Tequila xD Victor's idea.
