
#Brazil 2018 Day 5

Diterbitkan: 29.10.2018

10/29/2018 Continue to Iguacu.

It starts off great. Last night at 2 am, I woke up like a startled spider because my phone showed 7 am. I thought we overslept 🤦 but it was only 2 am. I got up at 6 am when Jürgens' phone showed 5 am. Since the daylight saving time change was postponed here, neither our phones nor the internet got the memo. So we hope Jürgen's phone is right.


Of course, Jürgen's phone is right and we start on time after saying goodbye to Adriana. She is a really great woman! We can highly recommend this B&B.

It's pouring rain this morning, but it's not a big deal because we're flying to Iguacu today. ☔☔☔☔ Since we only have carry-on luggage, we drop off our suitcase at the next hotel before going to the airport. Then we continue to the airport. We were advised not to be the last ones to board the plane because it could happen that we have to leave our carry-on luggage behind or alternatively, not fly at all. Very strange here.🛫🛬

Anyway, we were able to board the plane and our luggage made it too. From the plane, we can see the rainforest and even catch a glimpse of the waterfalls.

The airport reminds me more of a bush landing strip, at least it's paved. 😉

We take a 5-minute taxi ride to the hotel, which doesn't make our taxi driver happy because he expected a longer trip. 🤦

Our hotel San Juan Eco makes a good impression.

The Caipirinha as well. 🍸🍸

In the afternoon, we drive to Foz do Iguacu. It is not at all what we expected.

We were expecting a small village, but there are plenty of high-rise buildings here. Not really worth a visit.

However, on the way back, we agreed with our taxi driver that he would take us to Argentina tomorrow.

We spend the evening with Caipirinha by the pool.


Laporan perjalanan Brazil