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9. Comfort (Montenegro)

Diterbitkan: 13.07.2021


First of all, the cover photo for this post is probably the best vacation photo ever. It was taken after the following dialogue: 'Could you please take a photo of us?' - 'Sure, my husband is a great photographer!' Cool, thanks...

We are spending the last few days in Montenegro by the sea in Utjeha, not far from the Albanian border. We are really lucky - our little apartment is right by the sea, we have the best view, and until the last day, when the remaining rooms slowly fill up and you get an impression of the high season, we are almost alone! 

View from the balcony
This is how a day can start
Villa Aleksandra

Since it is so beautiful and quiet here, we spend the weekend almost exclusively on the balcony, by the sea or in the pool! 

Can you spot it?
Easier spot it

We also had our first summer storm - small fun fact: when the first raindrops dripped onto Katha's head, she thought that as usual an air conditioner was dripping on her... after 6 weeks full of heat and sunshine, you can forget that the wetness from above can also be rain! 

Best light before the storm

Now it's time to say goodbye again - the journey continues to Albania. 

We say thank you Montenegro, it was a blast! 

To conclude:

Conclusion Montenegro Katha: 'What a beautiful, small country with incredibly impressive nature! The people we met along the way were all so warm and nice, I always felt comfortable everywhere! Of course, we didn't have time to see many corners and places, so coming back is a must. And now I just have to decide whether we should go back to Kamenari and pack the car full with 8 baby kittens...!'

Conclusion Montenegro Ronny: 'As always, this is only my subjective opinion. I discovered many parallels to Laos in terms of nature and people, a relaxed atmosphere here. The motto is 'leave people alone'. Nobody talks stupid to you and lets you do your thing. The people here are proud of their little country and nature in a positive way. The consumption of alcohol is also well maintained, very likeable. And when ska punk is playing at full volume in the supermarket, they got me. I can only recommend to everyone to not end the Adriatic tour in Croatia, but to drive a little further to beautiful Montenegro!'

Laporan perjalanan Montenegro