
Day 18 - Wet and Lazy

Diterbitkan: 03.12.2016


December begins here while it is still November at home. As if it is the most normal thing in the world, the alarm clock rings exactly at 7 o'clock and wakes us up from our dreams. Unfortunately, it is quite foggy.

First, we take the used clothes and start a wash cycle with the camping machine. To pass the time, we go to the Hot Spring Pools again and relax in the warm water. It starts to rain lightly. No problem, we are already wet ;-)

Hot Pools
Hot Pools

The machine is done and luckily it is already dry. A combination machine, how awesome is that.

As we are about to leave, the rain gets stronger. Nevertheless, we make our way to the Volcanic Valley. As we drive through the region, we smell the scent of rotten eggs (sulfur) and other special smells again and again. When we hear that our hike through the Valley (in this lousy weather) is supposed to cost 37$, we are shocked and cancel the action. So we continue towards East Cape and leave this lazy, wet and rip-off region (because for example visiting a geyser costs 50$) behind us.

In the evening, we actually catch a few rays of sunshine. Just in time, because tonight we finally have lamb in New Zealand. And so the 1st of December comes to an end.

Evening mood
Evening mood

P.S. The washing machine in the morning is not a combination device, by the way. We washed the laundry and dried it again - haha :-) But decide for yourself which one is the dryer and which one is the washing machine.

Photo of the day: Dryer and washing machine - what is what?

Washing machine and dryer, what is what?
Washing machine and dryer, what is what?


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