
'Barefoot in the rain and I dance and dance and dance.'

Diterbitkan: 30.01.2019

After these very rainy and emotionally intense days for me, it was supposed to get better today!

But the signs were very bad! I was awakened at 5 a.m. by gusts of wind and the sound of heavy rain.

I turned around and slept until 8 a.m. and then actually wanted to start off highly motivated.

When I wanted to check out, the hotel lady brought me a packed lunch. Shortly afterwards, I went to the exit door and had to witness hail starting to fall. The hotel lady smiled at me and invited me for coffee and breakfast.

After an unexpected and extensive breakfast, I set off today towards O Porriño at around 10:30 a.m. About 17 km today.

So I went outside and, just like the last 4 days, it started raining. Not only the rain, but also my right toe cause me trouble. There is a photo, but I won't publish it, to the delight of all.

So what I need is motivation. One of the first signs I read today was a sign leading to Santa Maria ... hmm Santa Maria, there was something about that... Right! Roland Kaiser! I was in the mood for German pop music! So I found the appropriate stream that promised me 5 hours of German pop music. Hell for some, but very relaxing for me as a jukebox lover in pubs.

The rain was initially limited, but stones were put in my way otherwise. The Camino de Santiago today went along a main road for the first few kilometers. After a while, I recognized a yellow arrow pointing into the forest. However, it was cordoned off by the police with caution tape, so I had to find another way using the map. After a few meters, I found the Camino de Santiago again. There were occasional heavy rain and hail showers. Fortunately, they always occurred when there was a shelter nearby. After I had covered half of the distance, the path was supposed to lead over a bridge past a stream. Due to the rain showers of the past 5 days, the stream has turned into a fast-flowing river that flooded the entire path. I tried to walk cross-country through thorns and swamp, but it didn't help. So I had no choice but to turn around and take a detour. I quickly found my way back to the Camino de Santiago here as well. Speaking of the way... the signs today were not always in agreement. According to my guidebook, the route was changed there so that it no longer passes by some bars and taverns. The owners of the gastronomy establishments are said to have allegedly painted arrows that lead past their bars.

The last 5 km were really strenuous, especially because of the heavy rain, hail, and thunderstorms.

Nevertheless, I am satisfied, proud, and happy to have arrived at the accommodation. It was a good day today.
