
Namibia 2024: Okaukuejo or welcome to the holiday camp

Diterbitkan: 16.05.2024

Namibia 2024: Okaukuejo or welcome to the holiday camp

Today we continue to our accommodation Okaukjeo in the Etosha National Park.

Before that, we pay a visit to the Vinger Clip and climb it.

A wonderful view over the Ugab Terrace opens up before us!

There appears to be an animal toilet at the top of the rock.

However, we cannot clearly attribute the feces to an animal.

We have therefore taken a photo as evidence and are asking you: what kind of animal do you think climbs a mountain just to poop? We are looking forward to your answers!

Then it’s on the road.

Today the ladies took over the cockpit again.

In Outjo we fill up our tank and refill our drinks.

After that, the road is almost entirely asphalted until you reach the Etosha Gate.

The ride is easy, it feels really good!

When we arrive at the gate, we notice the German influences in this country again. Questions upon questions and those who write stay!

We wonder who will ever read all this paperwork!?

I wanted to joke around a bit with the very pretty lady in uniform, but I quickly realized that she was a dominatrix. 🫣

So, put your heels together, fill out everything properly and step aside submissively. Yes, sir!

It is similar when you arrive at the state camp.

While we were previously greeted at the reception of the lodge with a friendly wave, cold towels and a refreshing drink, we have now landed on the hard ground of reality.😂

Everyone lines up at the reception desk and wait patiently until it's our turn.

Then more questions, filling out forms and we are assigned our huts number 1 and 2.

Welcome to the holiday camp.

We were really lucky in the state lottery for room allocation, right in front of the lodge's waterhole.

Before we can unpack our suitcases, an elephant greets us.
Goose flesh !!

The huts are simple but adequate.
Afterwards we have lunch in the NWR -NamibianWildlifeResorts canteen (the lodge calls it a restaurant).

The quality is, let's say, sobering.

Afterwards we go on our own game drive.

Unfortunately, this is not successful - all the animals hide from us.

So back into state care!

Awesome... as soon as we sit down at the waterhole, a rhino and a whole herd of elephants join us!

The Nature Cinema is playing great tennis for us today!

The sun is setting and giraffes are creating shadow plays on the horizon.

Now it’s time to comb your hair again,

Wash your hands and head to the NWR canteen for dinner.

Here we were offered exactly 3 dishes to choose from.

We all ordered game steak.

Unfortunately, this animal died twice.

Once while hunting, the second time on the grill.

It's a good thing we have some reserves on our hips. The food was simply a disaster.

Our mosquito prophylaxis, Amarula, was government sanctioned on a single, double was out of stock!

But anyway, back to the waterhole and enjoy the second season of Namibia Wildlife!

At some point it will be said again:

Good night Africa, we look forward to tomorrow!!


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