My adventure
My adventure

Day 215 - 219 Pulau Weh

Diterbitkan: 22.11.2017

At 6 o'clock in the morning we arrived at the port of Banda Aceh. From here we have to take the ferry to Pulau Weh. But when we arrived at the port, everything was still dark. Only a café was about to open. So we sat down in the café and had a tea while the port slowly came to life around us.

But no one could tell us when our ferry would depart. Everyone we asked gave us conflicting information. There was also nothing concrete to find on the internet, different websites showed different departure times. Finally, the ferry departed at 10 o'clock and we were able to buy our ticket early enough.

The crossing took a good 90 minutes and we were the only white tourists on the boat. So we were once again the attraction. I was lucky to meet a particularly talkative Indonesian who wanted to talk about everything and wanted to set me up with his sister. When the ferry docked, we were approached directly by a motorbike taxi driver and after negotiations we also agreed on the price.

So we went across the island in a sidecar, over Monkey Hill the motorcycle was pushed to its limits. The road was quite steep and we with our luggage were not really light. But we made it. We arrived at the dive center not a minute too early, where we hoped to get accommodation. As soon as we paid the driver and started talking to the dive center staff, it started to rain cats and dogs. We took refuge in the dive center and the staff arranged a bungalow right next to the dive center for us.

Since it was only noon, there was still time for an afternoon dive, which I wanted to do immediately. I even had the privilege of a private dive, as there were no other customers. Moritz used the time to finally take a normal shower. Even if there was only cold water.

The next three days went according to the same routine. I was at the dive center at around half past 8, where the "Dorf Beck" brought fresh sourdough rolls. At 9 o'clock there was the first dive and at 11 o'clock the second dive. Between the dives, I hung out at the dive center with the other divers and talked about God, diving, and the world. After the second dive, the "Fun-Divers" went to a restaurant for a small lunch before the third dive at 2 o'clock. After diving, the equipment was cleaned and then we all had a well-deserved after-work beer. Around 6 o'clock, everyone gradually withdrew. That was also the moment when I usually met Moritz again. He spent the days relaxing, reading, and doing nothing. Pure relaxation.

Only the fourth day on the island had a different schedule. There were also 3 dives planned, but when I came to the dive center in the morning for breakfast, I was told that diving was not possible this morning. Someone from the neighborhood had died, and since the locals see the sea as Allah's home, diving was not allowed until the funeral was over. So we could only dive shortly after 2 o'clock and there was only time for one dive. I spent the rest of the day just hanging out and drinking coffee at the dive center.

We didn't experience much of the island itself. We spent the whole time at our somewhat secluded beach and enjoyed the tranquility.

Far too soon, the day came when we wanted to move on. So the motorbike taxi took us to the port together with another Swiss person who works as a divemaster at the dive center and is now flying to Kuala Lumpur for a visa run and has the same flight as us, to take the ferry back to Banda Aceh. We took a motorbike taxi from the port to the airport, from where we will fly to Kuala Lumpur tonight.

That's the end of my adventure in Indonesia. Originally, I only wanted to spend 1 or 2 weeks in Indonesia, but I ended up staying for 6 weeks. Indonesia definitely impresses with its diversity. There is so much to see and do. There is something for everyone. Whether hiking in the jungle, surfing or diving in the sea, relaxing on white sandy beaches, or taking a boat trip between the different islands. The fauna and flora are also amazing. Indonesia is definitely worth a visit.


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