
Algarve - from Sagres to Lagos - December 16th

Diterbitkan: 18.12.2019

As it should be... it's raining heavily at night and it continues the next morning... the hammock is soaking wet and the rain cover, which was only briefly used since the weather has been really good for the past two weeks, is stored wet! We know this already...! Zambujeira do Mar is sad because we're really leaving! After we've packed and tied everything, we say goodbye to everyone, quickly buy some of the best Portuguese pastries (Queijadas), and get a cappuccino for the upcoming journey! It's really hard for us to leave, but at some point, we have to continue with our vagabond life because, as I said, time is running out...!

Finally, I haven't received an SMS from my sister or mother with the content: You can stay! That's how it was arranged, in case they win the lottery...! We have to take care of everything ourselves... let's buy a Spanish lottery ticket, with a billion-dollar payout... that sounds promising! But for now, we have to stick to the schedule because neither lottery winnings nor patentable ideas have arrived yet!

So, let's move on! First, we do some shopping and then leave the supermarket in pouring rain. It doesn't get much better on the way to Sagres, and when we reach the southwestern tip of the European mainland, Cabo de São Vicente, we don't see much... but we're used to that when looking at special sights! The last bratwurst before America is also denied to us, as they will only be available again from March! We briefly consider opening a bratwurst stand as well, right in front of the other one... the very last bratwurst before America... but that could cause trouble! Well, then no bratwurst and no breathtaking view... let's go back to Sagres town. Here, there are a few small surf shops to stroll around and the best burger! But that one was really good... delicious!

We continue in the rain, water runs in small streams along the road, giant puddles in which the van almost disappears line the way! Beautiful, the Algarve...!

In the twilight, we reach a spot near Lagos. It's a huge place and really crowded...! The Spanish prophecies of overcrowded places are becoming more and more real! It can't even be compared to Zambujeira do Mar (which, by the way, is only about 60 km away)! Here, they have arrived, the white refrigerators and the German and English retirees... everyone is preparing for the upcoming holiday. One camper or caravan shines more than the other... almost like in American movies... who will win... where do the most lights shine??? We only book two nights and move to a small spot under a tree and next to DORTMUND! The Borussia flag is hoisted and the lights are on, yes...! Just in Portugal and already in Dortmund! We briefly consider making a Schalke flag, but then we're too lazy...! (But now I have to be a bit careful about what I write again, because if the higher-ups still follow this blog, I better not say anything against black and yellow, because the same flag is waving there...)

We also don't dare to greet the people here in Portuguese anymore, they just look at us confused... but we're ahead with a solid meal!

The entertainment program is also in season here, and we could participate in aqua jogging... mmmhhh... maybe later...!

Since the rain cover is still wet and it's drizzling again, we build a little cave on our parking space with a tree in the middle! It's nice too... just with a lot more neighbors...!

We chat a bit in front of the bus and then it's already good night!

Sun is announced for today and it greets us with a delicious coffee! Today we want to ride our bikes to Lagos, which is about 5 km away.

While Jörni takes the dog for a walk, I write some Christmas greetings to the homeland!

In the early afternoon, we saddle up and have to pedal hard at times because it goes up and down to Lagos. We park the bikes, stroll through the town and along the harbor. Palm trees are everywhere and the sun is shining in our faces, nice! We stroll around a bit and smile at the singing Santa Claus in the market square...! I treat myself to a birthday gift with Dad's pocket money and buy a new watch... it's very beautiful and can also tell me when the next tide is coming... great! Now I don't have to say anymore: "Oh, I still have sausages in the car, I have to leave!", now I can simply say: "Oh, the tide is coming, I have to go" And just like that, you have a good reason to leave quickly...! Very good!

In the skate shop, we chat a bit with the locals who also confirm that many Germans are here in winter and that Spain is very crowded... mmmhhhh...!

Before it gets dark, we start making our way back because at times we have to be on the well-traveled road with our foldable bikes.

In the evening, we make ourselves a crab dish and surf the internet, luckily it's available everywhere here! Then it's time to go to bed!

It's raining at night and the weather for the next three days is not going to be any different... we actually wanted to move on today, but everything is gray and it would be a shame to leave the Algarve again without seeing it in sunshine and beautiful colors! Because it's only 120 km to Spain!

We decide to extend for one more night and I use the time for new blog entries (...I've been on vacation long enough...) and use the internet.

We're still not sure if we'll move on tomorrow because bad weather is expected until Saturday... and we also want to go to Seville, actually before Christmas, but not in the rain.

In addition, finding a place for Christmas Eve is becoming increasingly difficult... but we don't want to be restricted by that or overcrowded places... the Christmas thing is generally not really our thing (... Annette, cover your ears... we will definitely visit a church again...!)!

Actually, our plan is to sit in a Portuguese family's living room and be cooked a delicious meal... different culture, different food... that's why you travel, right!

Today we're having pasta with Bolognese sauce, in case anyone is interested, and then we'll have a birthday beer for our dear Marci! Maybe Jörni can watch another episode of Captain Future, we'll see...!

So let's see how it goes on... as usual... to be continued!

But in the meantime, I'm sending early Christmas greetings to the homeland and wishing you a relaxing time! I'm also glad that the holidays will finally start on Friday...  :)

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Danke fürs Geburtstagsbier🤙

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