
04 nach El Campello (Alicante)

Diterbitkan: 19.03.2024

Distance 88 kilometers, cum. 265 kilometers | Altitude 860, cum. 1,180

Today was also a very sporty day. Not only did I cover a lot of kilometers today, but I also did some of them by pushing. Luckily my eBike has a pushing aid. However, you have to know how it works, otherwise it is rather worthless. I found out how it works purely by chance when I was once pushing the bike uphill along a dirt road and had to push the entire weight myself despite the push assistance. Then I wanted to stop and just stopped to take a photo towards the back. And that's exactly where the bike starts to push or pull me. This showed me that I don't have to push, but rather push myself against it. The pushing aid is only weak, but still helpful. I also noticed that when I had to push the bike through the sand two days ago. I don't think I would have been able to do it without the pushing assistance.

At night it was still quite festive, I mean loudly, back and forth in the streets. But I can accept that and ignore it for myself - I slept brilliantly! Nevertheless, I woke up in the middle of the night because I realized in a dream that I had forgotten my rain jacket on the bus. It was raining lightly when I got on in Gunzgen, but when I got off in Valencia it was warm and dry. So I sent an email to Domo in the middle of the night to ask if they had found my jacket. Unfortunately I didn't get an answer all day.

I set off at 8:00 a.m. It was similar to yesterday, cool and foggy. But these are the best conditions for sporting activity. In particular, today it wasn't just flat like the last few days, but it also went quite steeply uphill in places and on paths that can more accurately be described as streambeds.

I was very relieved when the race continued again on solid surface. It wasn't a disadvantage when I had to drive on the main road. There is almost always some kind of hard shoulder on the main roads where cyclists are welcome. This gives you a safe feeling and you have enough distance from the cars. In general, I have to say that there are a lot of bike paths and enough space for bikes on the streets. Very often you even see cycle paths with oncoming traffic, meaning that there is a cycle path in both directions. So almost like in road traffic.

I actually had Alicante as my destination, but shortly before that I found a nice and cheap hotel right on the beach. Today my bike is in the underground car park, where it is safely stored in a dry place.


Hoy también has a day of great sports. No only he recorded a lot of kilometers here, but he also said that he was empujando. After that, my eBike can be used for emptying. Sin embargo, hay que saber cómo funciona, de lo contrario no tendrá ningún valor. Descubrí cómo funciona por pure casualidad, cuando una vez empujaba the bicicleta cuesta arriba por un camino de tierra y tuve que empujar todo el peso yo mismo a pesar de la ayuda para empujar. Entonces quise parar y simplemente me detuve para tomar una photo hacia atrás. Yes, it's exact when the bike empieza is empujarme or tirarme. Esto me mostró que no tengo que esforzarme, sino esforzarme yo mismo contra ello. The ayuda para empujar es débil, pero sigue siendo util. This means that you should take the bike to the arena every day. No creo that hubiera podido hacerlo sin la ayuda para empujar.

During the evening, when the party was over, it was decided, much quiet, yendo y viniendo por las calles. Pero puedo acceptarlo and ignorarlo por my mismo: ¡dormí estupendamente! Sin embargo, me desperté in the middle of the night porque me di cuenta en sueño de que había olvidado mi impermeable en el autobus. Llovía ligeramente cuando subí en Gunzgen, pero cuando bajé en Valencia hacía warm y estaba seco. Entonces delivered an electronic cable to the house in the middle of the night before I met my chaqueta. Lamentablemente no recibí respuesta en todo el día.

Salí a las 8:00 am Estaba como ayer, fresco y con niebla. These are the best conditions for sports activity. In particular, this is not the only time in the last few days, so you can have a subida bastante pronunciada en lugares y senderos that are pueden llamar más exactamente cauces de arroyos.

I feel very strongly that the car continues to be super solid. No fue una desventaja cuando tuve que conducir por la carretera principal. This is exactly the type of arcade on the main roads, so the cyclists are bienvenidos. This is a sense of security and a sufficient distance from the cars. In general, I decided that there were many bike rides and a good space for bikes on the streets. There is a menu that includes bike rides with traffic on the opposite side, so you have a ride on bikes in different directions. This is like on the traffic route.

In this case, Alicante is in the same destination, but you can also see a good hotel and good location on the playa. My bike is located in the subterranean park, but it is protected in a safe and secure way.

Today was also a very sporty day. Not only did I manage a lot of kilometers today, but I also pushed some of them. Luckily my eBike has a push assist. However, you have to know how it works, otherwise it's pretty useless. I found out how it works purely by chance when I was pushing the bike uphill on a dirt road and had to push the whole weight myself despite the push assist. Then I wanted to stop and just stopped to take a photo behind me. And that's exactly when the bike starts to push, or rather pull me. That showed me that I don't have to push, but rather brace myself against it. The push assist is only weak, but still helpful. I also noticed that two days ago when I had to push the bike through the sand. I don't think I would have managed it at all without the push assist.

During the night, the streets were still quite festive, ie loud, going on. But I can accept that and block it out for myself - I slept brilliantly! Nevertheless, I woke up in the middle of the night because I realized in my dream that I had forgotten my rain jacket on the bus. When I got on in Gunzgen it was raining lightly, but when I got off in Valencia it was warm and dry. So I sent an email to Domo in the middle of the night to ask if they had found my jacket. Unfortunately I didn't get a reply all day.

I set off at 8:00 am, and it was cool and foggy, just like yesterday. But these are the best conditions for a sporting activity. In particular, today was not just flat like the last few days, but there were some steep uphill stretches on paths that could be described more as stream beds.

I was very relieved when we continued on firm ground again. It wasn't a disadvantage when I had to ride on the main road either. There is almost always a kind of hard shoulder on the main roads where cyclists are welcome. This gives you a feeling of safety and you have enough distance from the cars. In general, I have to say that there are a lot of cycle paths and enough space for bicycles on the streets. Very often you even see cycle paths with oncoming traffic, i.e. there is a cycle path in both directions. Almost like in road traffic.

I had actually planned to go to Alicante, but shortly before that I found a nice and cheap hotel right on the beach. My bike is in the underground car park today, where it will be kept safe and dry.

Menjawab (2)

Oha. Da musst du ganz schön arbeiten

Oh, das mit der Schiebehilfe hatte ich auch erst mit der Zeit gecheckt. Gut, dass Du das erwähnt hast. Weiterhin eine gute Fahrt.

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