
Visit, visit!

Diterbitkan: 30.09.2016

Yay, Lukas was visiting me in Aarhus for a week! I was so excited when I picked him up from the train station on Wednesday evening after his 12-hour-long train ride. It felt like one of those cheesy movies where the couple reunites and falls into each other's arms :D. But honestly, it was really nice. We went directly to a Poetry Night at a super cute little café with his luggage. One of my professors organizes these nights occasionally in Aarhus, where anyone who wants can recite a poem or sing a song. The atmosphere in the small bookstore/café was really cozy and the texts were very inspiring and entertaining!

Poetry Night at Løve
Poetry Night at Løve's Bog- og VinCafé in Aarhus

Back to Lukas' visit:

We had a great week together (even though I was sick for half of it unfortunately) and I tried to show him as much of Aarhus and my ERASMUS life in Denmark as possible! We explored the city by bike (as one should do in Denmark), took part in a city tour, explored the Gamle By (the open-air museum), wandered through the Botanical Garden, of course visited the DOKK1, went to a music festival at the Studenthouse, and finally treated ourselves to the best burgers in town! But I claim that our homemade burgers were even better. :)

And homemade burgers!
And homemade burgers!

When I think about how many others here have their boyfriend or girlfriend back home in Japan or somewhere else on the other side of the ocean, I'm even more happy that Denmark is not so far away and Lukas could just hop on a train to come visit me. Even though he was here for the week, I got quite homesick. It's somehow not that easy when you first get to know the environment without a boyfriend, then with one, and suddenly he's gone again. But luckily it's not too long until the next reunion and it was nice that he was here. :)

And enjoying the sun
Enjoying the sun

And besides, I won't be alone for long because tomorrow my mom is coming to visit! :)

So, this time it's just a short blog post, but since I unfortunately have to stay in bed at the moment, I don't have much to report. There's a lot coming up in the next few weeks and I have a lot planned. There will be more information then! :)

Lastly, I have a little video of Franzi and me visiting the Your Rainbow Panorama, ARoS a few weeks ago:


Enjoy watching! :)

