
Adventure in Byske - 13th August

Pibliye: 14.08.2019

...today I experienced a lot. It started with my great route suggestion. On the way up, we tested our car off the normal roads and drove up and down some gravel roads with big potholes...not really my thing, not as a passenger (as you know, I'm not the best...), I have to do that myself! But Örni did well!

Afterwards, a coffee break. Let's continue...I stare out of the window for what feels like hours, searching for moose in the forest...so many...it's like not being able to see the forest for all the moose...except that it makes you feel sick to be constantly seeing the trees rush past at about 90 km/h, my nature study didn't result in anything...no moose!

We arrive at a campsite, where there's probably a lot going on in the peak summer season, right by the water with slides and everything, a huge thing. But now it's the low season and it feels like we have two football fields all to ourselves, nothing going on...nice! Less nice is the fact that the campsite store is also having a clearance sale and the beer supply has most likely been destroyed by the leisure rockers from the Yamaha Club Sweden who are staying here...darn...what to do?!

Jörni willingly sacrifices for the twenty-minute walk to the supermarket and sets off with a backpack. And that...exactly that...was his fatal mistake! Because then it happened...

While I'm sitting here at our spot, peacefully reading a brochure, I hear children screaming in the distance...wondering what they're doing...and what's making such a loud noise...and then I see it with my own eyes about 30 meters away: I catch a glimpse of a moose, which immediately disappears from my field of vision behind a few trees. The stomping becomes louder in fractions of seconds, I think, surely it won't come past the caravan next to us...but it does...and not just one...! I can hardly believe it, in that very moment, at lightning speed, a moose cow with her two calves comes about 2 meters away from me, barely missing our car's front grill...! I don't even have time to react before I understand what's happening here. The dog looks just as dumbfounded as I do! Okay, I wanted to see moose, but I didn't plan for this...Whoa, my heart rate skyrocketed, I got scared! And no one there to buy beer, Jörni included...I couldn't believe it. I would have liked to share it with Jörni, he would have looked dumbfounded too...but someone had to buy beer...! I'm afraid I'll have to take care of that from now on...!

I could have imagined seeing one somewhere in the forest, but I really didn't expect a whole herd to fly across the plot...exciting stuff!

Today, I did some laundry, read, and filled the travel blog. Tomorrow, we'll continue up to the Finnish border!

Repons (2)

Das sind hammer Bilder und tolle Texte von dir Jill! Wirklich spannend und sehr amüsant! ;-) Liege hier noch mit den Kindern im Bett und gucken euren Block zusammen....ich lese laut vor....wirklich klasse! Weiter so! Sind schon auf die nächsten Geschichten gespannt! Ganz liebe Grüße und Küsse....bis bald Mel, Lucy, Emmi

Danke ihr Lieben, dass ihr Bilder und eure Eindrücke teilt. Ich bin ganz begeistert und dankbar 👍🌻

Rapò vwayaj Syèd