
Tag 13 - Montes de Oca nach Cardeñuela Riopico

Pibliye: 26.04.2024

This morning we set off straight after breakfast. A kilometer-long climb was waiting right outside the door. But finally through nature again, far away from roads. The climb goes through a forest towards the monastery of San Juan. Before I set off, I spoke to Isabel from Germany on the phone. Yesterday evening I found out from a group of German pilgrims that she has a lot of blisters on her feet, at least one of which is very inflamed and needs to go to the doctor today. Since English or even German is not necessarily spoken in the Spanish medical centers, I offered to help translate. During the phone call in the morning she explained everything that was wrong with her and that she was on her way to Najera, where I also went to the doctor 4 days ago, and so I was able to explain a little bit about the process on site. My feet are doing very well though. The first climb was a little uncomfortable, but afterwards, when the muscles were really warm, nothing hurt anymore. The short day yesterday and the long rest yesterday really did me good 🙏

Along the way you will often come across crosses in memory of pilgrims who died during the Camino. Unfortunately, the stories behind them are mostly unknown 🙏

After a while, we walked along the forest firebreak (a wide path in the forest so that the fire cannot spread in the event of a fire), we came to a place where an artist was selling food, drinks or small works of art in exchange for donations. After that, I didn't see much of the way because Isabel had arrived at the medical center and I accompanied her on the phone for almost an hour and translated everything during the treatment. At this point, get well soon again. 🙏 In the meantime, I had arrived at the monastery in San Juan de Ortega. There I was able to receive my headphones. We continued briefly through the forest and then across a large clearing downhill to Ages. That was the first destination of the day, where we could spend the night. Stefan stayed there, Viky, Adva and I moved on because we were all still doing very well and we were getting closer to Burgos with every step. I wanted to walk in the heavy rain once and I was able to do it 🤣 Luckily, it was only for a short time and the sun soon came out. We went along a country road to Atapuerca. A small village, close to several excavation sites and an archaeological center. That wasn't the end of the day either. We kept walking. Away from the road, up another mountain. On one side a military restricted area and on the other side meadows and small forests. Steep, impassable, finally real nature again 🤣When we reached the top of the mountain, we could see Burgos and the entire surrounding area in the distance. An incredibly beautiful view. We continued downhill towards the valley for about half an hour, unfortunately again in the rain, to Cardeñuela Riopico, where we are staying for the day. At 7 p.m. we had dinner together, which wasn't exactly the tastiest 🤷🏽‍♂️ Afterwards we tried to start a round of UNO with seventeen people, but it remained a short attempt.
Tomorrow morning I'll take a leisurely 14km ride to Burgos. It's supposed to be a beautiful city and I hope to see a lot this afternoon.

Cost of the day:

Accommodation 10€

Breakfast 6€

Food on the way 12€

Dinner 12€

Repons (2)

Me alegro mucho que el pie esté mejor. Que bien que puedas ayudar a los demás peregrinos. Te deseo que sigas teniendo un buen camino 😘😇

Tita Maru
Sigue así valiente. Nos alegramos de que ya te encuentres bien. Adelante peregrino!!!!!! Buen camino

Rapò vwayaj Espay