
Tag 58 - Travel guides don't lie

Pibliye: 31.12.2017

I had marked this small private ecological nature reserve in my travel guide at home. "Dip into pools under spectacular waterfalls in this beautiful nature reserve, then discover the hiking trails through the dry rainforest... a nice place to swim and have a picnic". Well, there was exactly ONE waterfall. Above, the small river was dammed in a concrete basin, below with some plastic sandbags. The hiking trails were hard to find. In some places, railings were installed for safety reasons, but they were so wobbly or rotten that it was better not to use them for safety reasons. There was trash lying around everywhere. There were concrete picnic areas where everything that was not made of concrete was rotting. For a reserve that claims to be "ecological" in its name, a lot of concrete had been built. Unfortunately, we had arranged a time with the taxi driver for him to pick us up here. I was glad when he came half an hour early. He wanted to know if we liked it. He could reassure us about the trash: the rainforest is always swept here during Easter week. Then the trash is gone...

As always, east wind, moderate today, few clouds, 30 degrees.

Repons (6)

Schade! Dass es bei vergleichbarem Klima und Vegetation auch anders gehen könnte, sieht man zum Glück in den wunderschönen Naturparks und Urwäldern auf Kuba!

Apropos Kuba: ich freu mich schon, wenn Du beim Salsa-Tanzen wieder dabei bist! Ich werde heute bei Pedro ins neue Jahr tanzen. Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Rutsch und alles Gute für 2018!

Apropos Kuba: ich werde heute abend bei Pedro ins neue Jahr tanzen. Freue mich schon darauf, wenn Du beim Salsatanzen wieder dabei bist! Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Rutsch und alles Gute für 2018! LG Sini

Danke und viel Spaß bei Pedro! Guten Rutsch!

Hallo Marion, ein frohes neues Jahr aus der kalten und regnerischen Heimat. Liebe Grüße

Happy New Year! Wünsch dir für 2018 alles Gute!🍀LG Jutta