
Day 9 Koh Tao

Pibliye: 28.02.2023

The day was incredibly long, but there are fewer pictures than usual because we spent most of the day in the water. I could have taken underwater pictures, but unfortunately my action cam didn't feel like it today..

We started the day again with a self-prepared breakfast.

Best breakfast

At 9:30 am we were picked up and taken to the boat. The first stop was Koh Nang Yuan. There we hiked up to the viewpoint. There was naturally a lot of hustle and bustle.

Koh Nang Yuan sand path

Beautiful bridge around the island

Crowd on the way to the viewpoint
View of Koh Nang Yuan
Incredibly beautiful up there

Afterwards, we went snorkeling there. That's where I saw the first shark. It was really tiny and just cute. I estimate it was about 20cm long.

On the boat, we had lunch. It was really tasty. In addition, there was fresh pineapple and watermelon until the end.

Lunch on the boat

After that, we went to another bay. There, we saw a huge, beautiful 😍 sea turtle. Oh my God, that fulfilled everything I wanted to achieve on this snorkeling day. It was amazing! The picture was taken by the guide there. We could also swim down and were only about a meter away from her.

I love her
I love her

Of course, we also saw Nemos, Doris, and Kahns (from Finding Nemo 😅)

We looked a bit silly in the picture 😅
We looked a bit silly in the picture 😅
Snorkeling is going well

Then we continued.. in the last bay, we swam after our guide. He knows best where the animals are. And there we saw a slightly larger shark. We estimate it was about 50cm. It was really cute too. It was really, really cool until... suddenly I saw a very big shark about 5 meters in front of us. I shouted loudly through the snorkel, and Katha and the guide both looked at me. Then I pointed to the shark, but they didn't see it. Then I panicked and swam away. Even though it was said several times that this type of shark doesn't eat humans, fear prevailed. I didn't want to snorkel anymore and sat on a rescue board with another guide until Katha came back. She continued to follow the guide and also saw a large shark. We're not sure if it was the same one. I estimated the shark to be my height (about 1.70m), while Katha estimated it to be 1.50m. If we meet in the middle, it could have been about 1.60m, if it was the same one.

It was a wonderful experience, even though I was really scared in the end. Especially since I had to swim back to the boat and now I've seen what's in the sea. Nevertheless, I was very excited to experience the sea from that perspective and will never forget it. However, I don't want to encounter a shark in the wild anymore 😊

In the evening, after the exhausting day, we had dinner again. Unfortunately, Katha's food was extremely spicy, even though she asked beforehand. Mine was really good.

Minced Basil Beef with Rice

Afterwards, we wandered around the city a bit and decided to have our hair braided into 2 braids. As you can see from the pictures, we had just tied our hair together before. I think it didn't do them any good, and I hope braiding can give them a chance to recover. It was crazy that I think a new employee at the salon braided my hair. She took about 5 attempts, pulled out countless hairs, almost snapping my patience, and in the end, she didn't succeed. Then, luckily, an experienced employee did it for me.

That's it from our eventful day. Unfortunately, not as many pictures and a lot of text this time.


Rapò vwayaj Thailand