
New Worlds

Pibliye: 18.08.2019

Underwater Worlds

This morning we visited the aquarium in Bergen. There we not only visited the local fish such as cod, haddock, and halibut, but also some tropical fish and other water creatures.

The water creatures native to this place

There are also such creatures in the local waters - a wolf fish.

A tropical variation.

The Finding Nemo tank

The influencer crocodile, it stayed in this position for minutes.

The otter and its pebble.

Above-water worlds

In the late afternoon, our journey to Dale i Sunnfjord began. We searched for our way through countless tunnels, which were often poorly lit, partly still under construction, and therefore not yet illuminated and not yet marked with road markings. We crossed many bridges and took a ferry. The sun and rain alternated, just like the road conditions - sometimes we could drive at 100 km/h (the maximum speed is 80 km/h here!), sometimes we had to drive very slowly because the roads were so narrow that millimeter work was required when encountering oncoming traffic.

After a snack at a gas station, we managed the last - and worst - part and were warmly welcomed at the volunteer house with cake, tea, and ice cream.

Later, my family and Keks left, but they left my slightly excessive luggage with me and I spent a few hours putting it in the cabinets of my tiny room.

Completely exhausted, I am now going to bed, because tomorrow I will have my first day of school - just like the Norwegian students. The first challenge will be to find the school. That's actually my first challenge, as I found out. Luckily, school starts here at 8:55 am, so I can sleep in a little.

Repons (1)

Hallo Franziska wir wünschen dir bei deinem neuen Schlafzimmer eine gute Nachtruhe.

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