
Innsbruck / Landeck / Davos

Pibliye: 12.05.2017

Wednesday 10.5. (85 km)

Finally, we continue towards Davos...

Our destination for today is Landeck. The sun is shining and we cycle along the Inn River all day at about 25 degrees Celsius.

In Milz, we lay down by the water and enjoy the great weather...

Shortly after Landeck, Patrick finds a great place by the water where we set up our tent... Unfortunately, it doesn't stay quiet for long as people come to grill... GREAT - well, we move a little further away and have our peace...

Thursday 11.5. (84.49 km / 1315 meters ascent)

Phew, what a day!

We start with strong headwinds and it gets tougher after a flat stretch, turning into a rollercoaster ride...

We cycle the Via Claudia Augusta, which is quite nice, but unfortunately I am quite exhausted!

We take breaks from time to time.

Dear family, we have now devoured the first energy bars! A short rescue :)

Today we also met other cycle tourists for the first time.

A Dutch couple who are cycling all the way to Rome. They are 500 km ahead of us and are traveling very fast.

When I'm almost out of strength, we finally reach Vereina around 5 pm. This train takes us directly to the other side of the mountain to Davos. FINALLY!

GUYS, I tell you one thing! Two!

A few kilograms make such a difference!!

We are simply too heavy... (we estimate between 40 and 50 kg)

We can barely make it up with a 9% incline. (For comparison: last year we cycled up Großglockner... that was 20 km with an incline between 12 and 14%)

Following Patrick's motto 'LESS WEIGHT, MORE FUN', we are now considering what to get rid of from our luggage in two weeks.

(We will meet Rudi and Jürgen in Finale de Ligure for climbing... they will take everything we don't need)

Just for fun, we have weighed a few things... for example, my book already weighs 800gr :) and so on...

We will probably say goodbye to jeans, 1 sweater, camping chairs, hammock, brush,... and exchange the shampoo, shower gel, and Rei in the tube for a universal soap..

For those who are interested....

9:00 Start

17:30 Arrival

about 3 breaks

actual cycling time 6.5 h

if weather conditions are good and it is relatively flat, we currently cover 19 km in 1h

Friday + Saturday 12.+13.5.

We stay in Davos for one or two days and enjoy the time with Ben and Neige, and relax a bit... go climbing, eat well, play the card game 'Toeppen', and I write in my blog.

Soon we won't have internet as often....

Patrick: IIIII 1/2

Steffi: III 1/2

Repons (2)

Sehr schön !

Immer weiter radeln..das wird schon

Rapò vwayaj Swis