Von Shanghai nach Hamburg
Von Shanghai nach Hamburg

02.08.2019: Contrasting program in Novosibirsk

Objavljeno: 02.08.2019

Just 250km from the last destination is the capital of Siberia, Novosibirsk. The further west you go, the better the infrastructure becomes. We were partly driving on good highways. With 1.5 million inhabitants, Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia. The contrast to the previously rather provincial ambience is clear. Despite socialist architecture, you can find everything you desire in passing. Nowhere can you feel that there should actually be sanctions. Almost the entire European range (from Milka chocolate, Persil, Nivea to the relevant French champagne) is available for purchase.

We are staying in the Hilton right in the city center. The first impression only lasted until the nearby cellar vaults of the beer factory at 32 degrees. Tomorrow there will be a detailed city tour.


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