
Day 14 & 15 - Sunny farewell

Objavljeno: 16.02.2018


Today is our last day in Canada and we have to say goodbye to the Canadian winter and snow. The alarm clock doesn't ring until 08:30 and when we open the blinds, the sun blinds us. We have to pack everything and this is a lot (ski clothing, ski/snowboard boots, skis, snowboards and everything else). For breakfast, we only have tea for now, because there is no food included in the hotel. After checking out, we head towards Banff Downtown, where we fight our way through various "gift shops" (there are many!), buy some souvenirs, have a quick breakfast and spend our last Canadian dollars. We spontaneously decide to enjoy the beautiful weather and the great view and drive towards the Norquay ski area, where there is a great lookout. We take some photos and enjoy the wonderful view in the sun loungers :-)

Am sönnele
Am sönnele

After 13:00, we continue towards Calgary Airport. On the way, we enjoy the breathtaking mountain landscape of the Canadian Rockies, which extends almost to Calgary. At the airport, we drop off our car and load a cart with all our luggage. Before check-in, we still have to pack our souvenirs. The check-in process is finally quick and then we treat ourselves to lunch before heading to the boarding gate for the Boeing 787-9. After takeoff, we have dinner and watch the first movie, then we try to sleep. By the way, the seat trick didn't work this time, because the plane is fully booked.

Blick auf Calgary
Blick auf Calgary


Somewhere over Greenland, Day 15 begins and it's Friday, February 16, 2018, our last day of the winter sports trip. The sleeping in the airplane doesn't really work, that's why I'm writing this report right now. A little later, I close my eyes after all. Before landing, I watch the latest Marvel movie (Thor - ). We land in Frankfurt at 10:45 AM with dense fog. We can only see the runway a few seconds before touchdown. Then we take a "airport tour" and wait for instructions to the gate. After disembarking, we go through passport control and again through security check!? Right out of the aisle and left back in...

Gepäck laden (dauert laaange)
Gepäck laden (dauert laaange)

Then we wait for the onward flight to Zurich, which is delayed by quite a bit. The plane arrives (due to fog) late and loading takes forever. We watch from our seats as our skiing equipment is loaded. With a 50-minute delay, we taxi from gate A15 towards the runway. Meanwhile, the sun is shining from the sky. 25 minutes later, we land again in Zurich, with cloudy skies. As usual, we wait a little longer for our 6 pieces of luggage.

This concludes the winter sports diary of the Canada trip. In the summer, Sporto-di-mondo will return to Canada and Marco will tell you about the Canadian summer.

Good bye...


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