

Objavljeno: 24.07.2023

A day like in an Icelandic picture book probably starts with rain and low-hanging clouds. So today was a picture book start. I put on everything the luggage allowed and the jacket allowed 😁 because there were fresh +8°C in addition to the rain. The good thing about it: I have less luggage.

Well equipped, I set off, back on the road that was praised yesterday. Due to the moisture, it has turned into a slightly muddy stretch. At the first stop in Akureyri, I hardly recognize Hildegard, she was so dirty. Fortunately, we were already at a larger gas station that also has hose nozzles with free water connections. Some drivers were already cleaning their vehicles, so I joined in. After that, I had dried cod in the kiosk and the seller recommended butter with it. Well, I tried it right away and can only recommend it.

I continued along Route 82, always along the coast towards the northern tip of the Tröllaskagi Peninsula. For this, I also had to drive through narrow, long tunnels, which was also a first for me. In such tunnels, there are parking bays for traffic about every 500 meters, which must yield to the right of way. In my direction of travel, this was my lane. So I stopped about 10 times and let oncoming traffic pass. There are also many single-lane bridges in Iceland. The rule here is that the person who reaches the bridge first has the right of way.

Tunnels, some mountains with cloud caps, and many raindrops later, I arrived on Route 76 and then in a town that somehow invited me to stop. It wasn't raining either. I had arrived in Siglufjörður. This used to be the El Dorado of herring fishing. In the first 70 years of the last century, herring processing flourished here! And seafaring life! The Herring Era Museum is worth a visit; the smell of fish is still in the old halls, and the hardships of that time can be well imagined.

And it goes on. Again and again, I used parking spots to enjoy the landscape. Although the weather kept some things hidden, which also has its charm. I am glad that despite the rain, I took the long route along the coast. So much natural beauty!


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