
The beach is calling!

Objavljeno: 12.12.2017

Sorry for getting back to you a day late, we had some minor issues with the internet connection. But now everything is fine and I can continue. We left off with the story of the ranch.

We took a break on Wednesday, not much happened. We planned to meet again on Thursday. Our next destinations were Malibu and Venice Beach. As usual, we were lucky with the weather, it was sunny. I was particularly excited to see how the rich and famous live in Malibu.

On the way there, we passed Highway 1, a beautiful route along the coast. It was amazing.

We finally reached Malibu. Unfortunately, most of the luxury mansions were hardly visible. Only a few could be seen clearly from the main road. Most of the villas were either built on top of the hill or fenced. What a shame! Anyway, I was here and could imagine the amazing houses :-).

At least the beach didn't disappoint. We took some great photos.

We took a short break on the way and treated ourselves to an iced coffee. Nothing stood in the way of enjoying the view.

One of my favorite pictures of Malibu.

The peninsula in the background is Los Angeles.

We stopped several times along the way for cool snapshots.

Here's an attempt to capture the amazing houses in the picture. Unfortunately, you can only imagine it. But you can see how most of the houses were built on the slope.

On the way back, as I mentioned earlier, we stopped at Venice Beach. I didn't really know what to expect here. But it's definitely a world of its own.

There it is... yay!

Fortunately, we found a parking space quickly. We went to the restroom and then started exploring. Right from the beginning, you can see that a large part of the homeless population lives here. The entire boardwalk is surrounded on one side by souvenir shops and on the beach side, the homeless people sit with their belongings. Some of them are incredibly talented artists. It's remarkable to see the talent in these people. They mainly displayed their homemade paintings. There were some amazing works. One painting caught my eye. If I were going home soon, it would have gone straight into my shopping cart. But that's not the case! Unfortunately, I was a little scared to take photos of the homeless people and their artwork. Their looks were not always friendly, so I preferred to refrain from it.

I'd rather show you the beautiful side of Venice Beach. Look here... :

Artworks everywhere. Great shots at sunset.

You can see it well here, what I described earlier with the two sides.

Finally, two breathtaking pictures of the sunset.

It was just incredibly beautiful and a great way to end the day.
