Kerala - Ayurveda
Kerala - Ayurveda

Thursday, January 31st

Objavljeno: 31.01.2019

Why did I oversleep this?!!

Darn it! It's already raining here and I'm sleeping! At 1 o'clock it apparently rained cats and dogs. And it wasn't just a short tropical shower! It rained for a few hours. I was quite shocked this morning when I saw puddles on my bed outside the room. It made the morning pleasant. Fresh and somehow better. However, the day was scorching hot again. That's why I didn't venture out until late, during sunset. Smile

The second-to-last day of my long journey started as usual. But today Ajitha was back! Yay. She's still not feeling well, but at least better. I missed her and she missed me too.
the afternoon, I could pick up my medication for the next 6 months at the shop. Okay.... fortunately, the stuff is not heavy, but quite 'bulky'. Since I had already started packing before, to get an idea of the mess, I could estimate roughly how much space I had left. I'm glad that I don't have to carry this super bitter liquid medicine! Just pills, powders and drops! Phew.
The cleaning ladies looked at me sadly and said byebye. Then I told them that I will still be here tomorrow. They beamed. One of them is definitely 60 years old and the other one is 25 or so. There are also a few therapists who are definitely over 50.

Just now, outside, the gardener was sitting in the flower bed and gave the orchids, which are tied to an old tree stump in front of my room, a new pot. This consists of a total of 2 cracked coconut shells. So basically the green 'casing' of the coconut. She tied it with coconut rope around the loose roots, which in turn looked like a natural flower pot. Cool recycling idea.

My suitcases are packed 95%, all the gifts are prepared for tomorrow's handover. What is still missing in my suitcase is something that I bring with me from everywhere. So I went down to the beach one last time. Soaked my feet in the very warm sea, let my toes sink into the powdery sand and enjoyed the sunset. In the meantime, I packed the one souvenir that I always bring. It means another kilo of luggage, but it has to be done! Otherwise, there would be a significant gap in the collection in my studio, and that would be a massive setback for my artistic work! Blah blah blah, etc., blah blah!
Anyway. I have now also completed this task on my to-do list and can surely spend a calm and thoughtless night.
