
All Inclusive-Anthropologie

Objavljeno: 27.09.2017

It's better not to go All Inclusive

Yesterday we praised the advantages of the AI vacation, and now on day four we realize that we are not really enjoying it. Maybe someday things will be different for us - hope dies last - because it is indeed super relaxed to live the day without having to worry about anything. Maybe it's not our time yet, the circumstances of life are not the right basis to fully enjoy all the advantages of this type of relaxation. But more on that later.

Very idyllic, but always a bit hazy
Very idyllic, but always a bit hazy

We need to get out of here - sun, beach and sea

We're waiting for our friends

We naturally started the day with a great breakfast for six, although Ria and Ida spent more time playing hide and seek than eating.

Full and satisfied, our paths diverged for today. The Swiss took on the island by car and we, after an incredible 3!!! days of hotel stay, could no longer suppress the urge to escape. So we went straight to the reception and rented a Mitsubishi Splash for tomorrow and the day after, in order to see the rest of the island and to have a way to get to the ferry and cross to Split. 1700-year-old old town, UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a Roman palace are waiting for us. It can't be that bad...

Surprisingly, it is cheaper to rent a car for a whole day than to take a taxi for a 30-minute drive from the hotel to Supetar and back to the ferry. In addition, the rental car has a child seat, which cannot be found in the taxis here. Why should it? Children can ride on your lap. Safety is still a big priority here!

Puk, the housefly
Puk, the housefly

After an exciting and fascinating game of mini golf hockey over 9 holes, which Ida clearly won, we went to a small bay that Lena had spotted. 

Liza Minnelli, formally known as Ida, was even willing to be chauffeured in her litter for cooling off and relaxation. A small compromise for the lack of a nap.

Off to the beach
Off to the beach

We easily scared off a half-naked Austrian couple, so we had the entire bay to ourselves. Sometimes children are really useful... We skipped stones into the water, splashed, built stone castles, and examined hermit crabs, soaked up the sun, and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Wonderful!

Skipping stones, soaking up the sun
Skipping stones, soaking up the sun
'Someone lives here!'
Splashing around is always fun
Splashing around is always fun
'Come on, Dad!'
Heading back to the hotel
Heading back to the hotel
The small bay, without a big crowd
The small bay, without a big crowd

Feeding time!!!

Back at the hotel, we wanted to kill some time and walked to the pool, where it was unusually crowded, even for hotel standards. After Ida retreated to her chair with an ice cream, Lena and I took the opportunity to continue our anthropology studies. 

When the feeding chute opened, the hustle and bustle became clear: mainly obese German-speaking tourists were waiting like vultures for the next serving. After all, lunch was already two hours ago, so it's time for more food. To be fair: the Croatian, Scandinavian, and English guests do the same. But you can't understand them, or rather poorly. And a global study would exceed our time frame. So we focused on the tennis sock-wearing sandal squadron. 

We pay special attention to the sympathetic trio at the next table, consisting of him (from now on called Dieter) and his two companions (let's call them Ingeborg and Renate). Renate acts as the advance guard, serving the table with freshly baked pizza as soon as the blinds are opened. To save unnecessary trips, each plate is immediately loaded with three pieces of pizza. Clearly, the cheetah principle applies here: the faster, the more food for my pack!

In the meantime, Dieter goes to the water station to fetch a round of beer. Clever move, as almost everyone else is distracted by the pizza hunt. So he has a clear path...

Ingeborg has the task of guarding the hard-won table in this combo (it was indeed full). In addition, everyone gets a large ice cream. Of course, ordered in German! Because the rule is: WHERE I AM, GERMAN IS SPOKEN!

'Make me three vanilla ice creams with chocolate sauce. It can be a little bit more!'

At this point, the second-hand embarrassment reaches its peak and we can't look anymore without feeling embarrassed, shifting uncomfortably in our chairs. Why does such behavior exist? Is it thoughtless? Or disinterest? Perhaps for some, it's stupidity or even arrogance, because after all, All Inclusive has also bought them the staff? We have not found an answer yet that satisfies us. There is no specific income class, nationality, or age group that behaves particularly badly. Somehow, they all don't differ much from each other.

Of course, we have depicted it with exaggeration, but in terms of content, this is how it goes here every day, sometimes worse, sometimes less so.

Joji, Ria, Joba, Lars, Lena and Idamarittebremskes (from left)
Joji, Ria, Joba, Lars, Lena and Idamarittebremskes (from left)

Therefore, we were even more delighted when our new friends reappeared, who had already made similar observations but also had no groundbreaking insights into the background of this behavior. So, to avoid further annoyances, we withdrew to the balcony and ate there in peace, without having to witness the buffet battle. 

Completely exhausted from the wind and sun, we sneak into bed and look forward to an eventful new day. 

* Whether asked or not, Ida introduces herself to everyone with this name. If she is addressed in another language, she promptly replies, 'Idamarittebremskes and my friend's name is Lenia Ma-Ri-A!'

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