52 weeks
52 weeks

Objects of Desire and a Restless Night in Ketchum

Objavljeno: 13.09.2021

1.9. Feeling refreshed, we head over to our camp host Kim, who kindly invited us for coffee. He likes to have bananas for breakfast, but he ran out, so we can return the favor. We climb into his somewhat old trailer and can choose from 4 different types of coffee. We decide on hazelnut with hazelnut cream (so it's more like a dessert, but oh well) and sit down for a cozy chat.

Unfortunately, the conversation becomes more uncomfortable than expected: Kim finds both of us sexy...?! (Huh?!). It starts off innocently enough, with a few compliments here and there, a comment about how adorable it is that we're still "so in love" after 6 years, but eventually, Kim crosses the line and openly expresses his desire to find a sweet girlfriend or a couple to fulfill his sexual fantasies with...! We feel extremely uncomfortable, but at the same time, the situation is incredibly bizarre, as interesting conversations keep popping up between these "winks with the whole picket fence". Our emotions are in a whirlwind between "the lonely guy, what a f***ing freak" and amused confusion (Kim manages to sneak in sexual innuendos even in the most unclear moments, it's almost like art....)

Finally, we manage to escape and have the urgent need to wash ourselves or at least change clothes. We feel really uncomfortable in our own skin! The distance to the campground, conversations about what happened, and good music in our ears help us to disconnect and let go. On the way, we stop in Rexburg to buy some supplies, and later we take a lunch break "in the Middle of Nowhere" in Howe. There, we make delicious bagels with lots of vegetables, salad, and some cheese - that lifts our spirits. When we arrive in Ketchum in the late afternoon, we go to the local brewery for our "internet update" (how could it be otherwise?) During a short and very entertaining conversation with the brewer ("I am the hop-stuffer"), we find out that the man used to work at Brasserie des Franches Montagnes in the Jura region! ;) The world is small. We drive from the town to the river to a day-use area and cook dinner. It's a wonderful evening with lively and beautiful discussions. We are happy. (The morning is forgotten...) There is just one thing: we have no place to sleep. We search and drive around, but everywhere it says "no overnight parking". Eventually, we give up and take the risk of being woken up. And behold, 4 hours later, someone shines a flashlight into the interior of our car. I wake up, but pretend to be asleep. The man walks around our car for a long time, illuminates us, goes back and forth, and eventually I hear a sound at the front that sounds like windshield wipers. When the man is gone, I wake up Roman. We inspect the wedged note: if we don't leave, we will be towed at our own expense - so we get away with it. We quickly pack up and drive to a parking lot in the middle of the night for the rest of the night. It's not ideal there either. We sleep restlessly and in the early morning, we hit the road again to avoid ending up in an uncomfortable situation once more. Back at the river, we try to catch a bit more sleep. After a hearty breakfast, we feel better. The day can begin.


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