
6. ...and even more history

Objavljeno: 20.03.2023

Today Christina and Alvero had some time for me and we went for brunch and ate loads of hummus and mememen and other delicious stuff.

After two pots of tea (Al's pots were bigger), Christina and I went on our way through the shops in the neighborhood. The day before, I had bought a postcard with a motif from the neighborhood, which we quickly found and recreated. 'I'm happy again'

So we started happily towards the Jewish Museum and had to realize that Krakow becomes a real tourist hotspot on weekends. Nevertheless, we went in, squeezed through and talked about Jewish traditions and how foreign it actually is to us.

My next plan was to finally visit the Schindler's Factory, but when I saw that the line went all the way outside, the sight from the outside was enough for me.

I strolled on towards a hill that I had found on Google Maps. I got lost in a cemetery and had to climb over a fence to reach my destination. But one good thing came out of it, I was able to take a picture of a cute squirrel.

When I reached the top of the hill, I had another amazing view. I sat down and started observing people. There were many dogs there, including an adorable little poodle that made me miss my little teddy bear even more.
To distract myself, I checked the hangouts on the couchsurfing app and found a group. I asked where they were and suddenly someone called my name from the left. Apparently, the people next to me were the same as those in the app. I joined them, we chatted and waited for the sunset.

Sergey (also a couchsurfer) joined us. The four of us took a short walk to the adjacent quarry and then walked back towards the city after the sunset.
