

Objavljeno: 04.09.2024

My next destination wasn't the Colombian capital Bogotá, but rather Giradot, a town 80 km away and 2,300 meters lower in altitude, which I unexpectedly visited for a short stay. The family of my former roommate in Eichstätt, Bryan, had invited me to Bogotá for a long time, and I had already booked a bus ticket for the onward journey in Salento. However, things turned out differently: My hosts spontaneously decided to take advantage of the long weekend and spend it at the holiday home of Bryan's stepmother's brother in Giradot. So, we met in Giradot around midday, which is located halfway in the lowlands of the Rio Magdalena.

Upon arrival, I immediately noticed how extremely hot it was – temperatures were around 38°C during the day and barely dropped below 30°C at night. So, it was time to relax: Eating with my host family, sitting around the house, drinking cold beer and Aguardiente, and entertaining the brother's two-year-old granddaughter and the dog. In the evening, the neighbor's pool provided a welcome relief, and we discussed the political situation in Colombia and the novelPerfume.

Although spending a few relaxed days with the family had its charm, I took the opportunity the next day, when Bryan's father Guardo was unexpectedly called to work, to join him on the somewhat complex and quite lengthy bus ride to Bogotá, even though the distance was relatively short. After all, I still had some plans there.


My next destination wasn't the Colombian capital Bogotá, but rather Giradot, a town 80 km away and 2,300 meters lower in altitude, which I unexpectedly visited for a short stay. The family of my former roommate in Eichstätt, Bryan, had invited me to Bogotá for a long time, and I had already booked a bus ticket for the onward journey in Salento. However, things turned out differently: My hosts spontaneously decided to take advantage of the long weekend and spend it at the holiday home of Bryan's stepmother's brother in Giradot. So, we met in Giradot around midday, which is located halfway in the lowlands of the Rio Magdalena.

Upon arrival, I immediately noticed how extremely hot it was – temperatures were around 38°C during the day and barely dropped below 30°C at night. So, it was time to relax: Eating with my host family, sitting around the house, drinking cold beer and Aguardiente, and entertaining the brother's two-year-old granddaughter and the dog. In the evening, the neighbor's pool provided a welcome relief, and we discussed the political situation in Colombia and the novel Perfume.

Although spending a few relaxed days with the family had its charm, I took the opportunity the next day, when Bryan's father Guardo was unexpectedly called to work, to join him on the somewhat complex and quite lengthy bus ride to Bogotá, even though the distance was relatively short. After all, I still had some plans there.


Mi próximo destino no fue la capital colombiana, Bogotá, sino Giradot, un pueblo a 80 km de distancia y 2,300 metros más abajo, al que visité inesperadamente para una corta estadía. La familia de mi antiguo compañero de cuarto en Eichstätt, Bryan, me había invitado a Bogotá desde hace mucho tiempo, y ya había reservado un billete de autobús para continuar mi viaje desde Salento. Sin embargo, las cosas resultaron ser diferentes: Mis anfitriones decidieron espontáneamente aprovechar el fin de semana largo para pasar unos días en la casa de vacaciones del hermano de Olga – la madrastra de Bryan – en Giradot. Así que nos encontramos en Giradot alrededor del mediodía, que está a mitad de camino en las tierras bajas del Río Magdalena.

Al llegar, noté de inmediato lo extremadamente caliente que estaba – las temperaturas rondaban los 38°C durante el día y apenas bajaban de los 30°C por la noche. Así que fue el momento de relajarse: Comer con mi familia anfitriona, sentarse en la casa, beber cerveza fría y Aguardiente, y entretener a la nieta de dos años del hermano y al perro. Por la noche, la piscina del vecino nos proporcionó un alivio bienvenido, y hablamos sobre la situación política de Colombia y la novela El perfume.

Aunque pasar unos días relajados con la familia tenía su encanto, aproveché la oportunidad al día siguiente, cuando el padre de Bryan, Guardo, fue llamado inesperadamente al trabajo, para acompañarlo en el viaje en autobús, algo complejo y bastante largo, hacia Bogotá. Después de todo, todavía tenía algunos planes allí.


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