Australien 2019
Australien 2019

On the way to Kiama

Objavljeno: 13.02.2019

Today we moved slowly towards Sydney because we will fly to Tasmania from there the day after tomorrow. Along the way, we took a short hike to the fabulous 'Drawing Room Rocks'. With a beautiful view of the hinterland and the coast! In the end, we arrived in Kiama, about 120 km south of Sydney. Kiama is known for its blowhole. It is supposed to be the largest in the world. Anyway, it is definitely impressive how the water is thrown out through the opening with a big splash. But the best part is the view from the blowhole. Including the picturesque Bombo Beach. A short walk there concludes our day trip. At the campsite, we were invited by the curious neighbors for a beer.

Odgovor (3)

Und wo ist jetzt das Foto vom Blowhole, Peter?

Da sieht man nur viel Wasser in der Luft. Da müsste man ein Video machen und einstellen. Das unterstützt dieser Blog aber nicht. Sorry!

Aber es war hinter dem Leuchtturm 😊