
प्रकाशित: 29.11.2018

29.11.2018 9 days at Buffelsdrift.

In the morning the sun was shining and it was getting warmer. We drove out to check the lions fence and feed them. Then we unloaded all the leftover meat from yesterday.

Next we grabbed our brushes and paint and drove to a nearby school where some of the workers' children were as well. Here we had a wall with a few fruit paintings that were a bit smudged by the rain.

So we painted new ones over the old ones to make it look nice again. Lea and Larissa were good at painting but they had no creativity to add. I had a lot of that creativity - fruits with faces, legs, arms. However, I am not that good at painting.

So we spent the morning at the school and then went back for lunch. We did take some time to finally rename Lea's tent to Spider.

After that, it was hot again. We cleaned the elephant enclosure and made some food. Then we went to refill the water holes again. There were a wild horse that we had seen a few times together with a zebra.
They were waiting nervously around the second water hole until we were done filling it.

Then we drove to the end of the street and a short part through the bushes. From here we grabbed all of our stuff and walked towards the cheetahs. It took us a while to get through all the bushes up the hill until we finally reached their favorite spot. We could detect them with the antenna but as we got close, we heard them quickly leave and run away through the bushes. I sadly didn't see them.

We walked all the way back along the fence to the car. Then we drove back and met up with Chris. He was waiting for some springbok. Mariné drove us to the tents and there we waited to see if they would be able to catch some.

And they did activate the trap but sadly all of them were able to get free again. So Chris just came to our tents and after a little talk together, Chris and Mariné left. They will try again tomorrow.

Before she left, Mariné did notice, though, that we changed the name of Lea's tent and she thought it was very funny.

After a shower, we met for dinner. The weather was still pretty warm, thankfully.

We talked for some time. Lea and Larissa also washed out their turtles while complaining about the smell the entire time.

After that, we went to sleep.

उत्तर (4)

He schattebout! Leuk dat dat paard en die zebra elkaar opzoeken,schattig! Had je nog n beetje kontakt met de kinderen daar? Vonden ze het leuk dat jullie er waren? Is dat een soort groentetuin in die banden? Slaap lekker, weer. Ik hoop dat het ook s nachts wat warmer is Dikke Kusssssssss XXX papi en mami

Niet echt veel kontakt met de kindere, een ja het is en groentetuin, is all weer warmer😁

Hoi Nick Wat mooi dat jullie die school een beetje mooier maakte, zijn dat alleen kinderen van arbeiders of ook die daar wonen. Groenten in auto banden heb ik hier ook al gezien, creatieve mensen. Mooi dat het paard en zebra zo goed overeenkomen. groeten en een dikke Kus Oma.

Het uitkoken van de schildpadden zal wel net zo stinken als het uitkoken van schelpen. Dat deden Opa en ik in een huisje aan het strand bij Mombasa...Jee, wat een stank! Ik snap Lea en Larissa wel.