
18.10.2020-only in the car and at the sea

प्रकाशित: 18.10.2020


Dear friends,

how relaxed can one spend a day and still not feel like doing anything?

The morning began with our first proper swim in the Mediterranean. The waves were very gentle and soft, and as we swam a little further out, the movements of the water could only be guessed. Also, now in the sunshine, it wasn't even remotely as scary as last night when I started my first attempt at skinny dipping in the dark. Super terrifying. I only swam briefly past the point where the waves were breaking and immediately back because through the street lamps, only the white foam cap was visible, nothing else. The fact that not even the moon or stars were visible didn't necessarily make the experience any better, but it certainly won't be the last time.

Afterwards, there was a pleasant shower under the hose and a delicious breakfast on top, and then we set off. With the camper van now always heading north. The areas we drove through were not particularly noteworthy, always along the coast, not particularly poor or rich, almost exclusively private beach. Only once did we briefly stop at a promenade that was only used by one fisherman and a small family, otherwise we were alone. But since I didn't really cope well with the fact that my laptop crashed yesterday because it ran out of battery and I really wanted to write something further, I annoyed until we started again.

Through the tangle of streets, almost getting lost twice and luckily over the railway tracks, because in the area, the underpasses are usually less than two meters high (the smallest one was less than 1.80m). Back on the road, only `My heart will go on` could motivate us temporarily, or rather me, as I enjoyed it with all my might and screamed along loudly. My excuse that I was doing lung training didn't really justify it, but the prospect of many strange thoughts that were triggered in the population of the village as we drove through only motivated me to sing even louder. It must have sounded terrible.

The only thing on our agenda today was Le Castella, a castle ruin in the water, and that's exactly what it looked like, a ruin in the sea. Surprisingly, it was really quite large and the rocky path around the outer wall had some stumbling blocks prepared for us, but since it was the off-season, it was only open until 1 p.m., so we had to be content with a half tour on one side and a quarter tour on the other side.

When we then stood in front of closed doors on our first attempt to find a campsite, the mood didn't necessarily improve, but luckily a successful Google search meant our salvation.

In a small town called Ciro Marina with Wi-Fi, they have real high-tech equipment here 😊, but unfortunately the city is not very worth seeing. Which is supported by our walk to the promenade and back. Only fairly new houses close together, a small harbor, and a beautiful beach for reading a book undisturbed. The camping site itself is a cool idea, we are now parked next to a house that has a little more land, on which there is a small toilet and shower building and power outlets on the walls, and that's it, a small but nice campsite.

See you soon and learn to appreciate washing machines.


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