

Freddy is on tour again. 3 months in South-East Asia, here we go!

About a girl from Denmark

About a girl from Denmark

Honest, not easy, but loyal. I got to know a lot of People during my travels but this girl was a mas...

Open-minded or not

That was the first moment in my journey when I realized that change takes time and that as a backpac...

Of Dickhäuters, gratitude and elephant pants

Next to me sat Bodo, a man whose life experience had left deep wrinkles on his face and who smoked o...

Out of Bangkok in the 3rd class

In the compartment, it was hot and stuffy, only the fans on the ceiling and a few open windows provi...

First Time Bangkok

After such a long time, we met again in Abu Dhabi and I returned home. Slowly, routine set in again....

Shanghai - once and never again.

There were only 1 million Chinese people bustling past us, talking on the phone, giving us sideways ...

The good life: Solo travel

Beautiful Fraser Island

Lost in the west

Welcome to Monkey Mia

Ü-Ei Northern Territory

Like a stranded whale, I lay on my back at night to prevent any body part from touching another and ...

Chapter Phillip Island

When I came here half a year ago, my plan was to travel the east coast, and now I will have seen eve...

Tasmania - we survived!

This phenomenon accompanied us for a long time in Tasmania. Dreamlike places without a soul in sight...

Life writes with a pen

Yes, life often has some really nasty moves up its sleeve, and sometimes they come from a direction ...

6 Jobs in 4 months - a strong record

The sad and almost funny thing about it is the fact that I THOUGHT I WAS super prepared for the job ...

I'm quitting my studies before it even started.

If someone were to ask me - No, I don't know what I'm doing. But do I have to at 19? I don't think s...

What does homesickness mean?

It's exciting to see what you actually miss from home. It's not my room, not the wardrobe. It's the ...

For old times

It's as if we both sat down together and flipped through an old photo album. Laughing together. Cryi...

जीवन अनुभव दराज

"क्या हम दिखावा कर सकते हैं कि आकाश में हवाई जहाज टूटते तारों की तरह नहीं हैं?" हाँ, मैं वास्तव में ...

Inselleben on Philipp Island - Teil 1

But at the end of the day, there is always a reason to be happy. I sit in Australia with the sea on ...

When shit hits the fan

Vor mir der Highway, der sich bis zum Horizont in einer Linie erstreckt und dort mit dem Himmel zu t...

Feeling: Great Ocean Road

You can't believe it. You try to become aware of how valuable this moment is to lock it deep in your...