
Mission cancellation

יצא לאור: 17.03.2020

Today I am reporting again from the capital city Tana. (after 12 hours return journey and material delivery with inventory)

I have had 2 very turbulent days behind me. The mission was canceled due to the current situation.

We are all deeply sad and disappointed, because it would have been such a special mission.

Nevertheless, we were able to gather first impressions and still visit the village to leave the donated toothbrushes, toothpaste and children's toys there at least.

You already feel a bit "strange" when our Malagasy companion described the view of the Africans when asked.

He said: Corona is a disease of the white people. They get upset about a few deaths. Regularly, thousands of people in Africa die from malaria, cholera or the plague. Then, no one cares!


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