
And today it is going to Maighels hut

יצא לאור: 14.07.2021

We made it. At 6:00 am sharp, we started the last really big stage of our bike march. The stage should take us from Disentis to Camona da Maghels. A rather short distance but with lots of altitude meters.

From the camping site Disentis it went up some altitude meters to the turnoff towards Oberalppass. Up there a path leads us to Lai Da Thuma (Tomasee). We made quite a few kilometers and it went very well. But soon the rain surprised us again. It was bitterly cold. Some of us had already froze heavily in the night, it was really an extremely cold night. We spent the night in two big tipis that had been prepared especially for us.

But now back to our way to the Maighels hut. We had already made some kilometers and it was raining again. Short break, put on the rain gear and then continue. The rain poured down again but the sun came out from time to time to warm us up. But all in all the weather caused us a lot of trouble. We did quite a few meters, finally came through Sedrun and then up to Tschamutt, we had to make some altitude meters for this village.

In Tschamutt, one last souvenir photo in memory of our march 30 years ago. And then it went uphill towards Maighels hut. This was really challenging, on one hand many altitude meters on washed-out gravel roads and on the other hand the cold temperatures, with snow and strong storm, which really affected us.

But steadily we came closer to our destination. Meter by meter we moved forward. And then after a really tough and steep ascent we reached the Maighels hut at 2,300 meters above sea level. Finally, at the first goal of our long journey. The Maighels hut, where we had given it our all thirty years ago. Nora, the really nice and very friendly hut manager, served us well and after a few beers we had a great dinner. We celebrated our first stage victory properly with everything that goes with it.

The evening will certainly be interesting. It was also nice that Schneuz and Wolfi had ridden their bikes from Gaißau to the Maighels hut. The two of them had finally reached the hut - tired but still. So we enjoyed the evening in a really cool way. Tomorrow will be the last day of our journey. The ascent to the Tomasee. This will be the crowning finale of our march.
