Day 9 - Good Bye Robocup

יצא לאור: 31.07.2017

As expected, the situation with the Hungarians escalated during the Superteam competition. It would have been a funny thing, as we can see with the Mexicans, but the Hungarians didn't understand. During the first run, they couldn't complete their part of the task and also disturbed our robot by sending an uncoordinated signal. Shortly before the second run, they dismantled their device and couldn't repair it in time. Our team is now alone in front of the arena. It's a pity that the team atmosphere has also been disturbed.

On the other hand, the team from Zeltweg had a lot of fun with the Mexicans. They came in third place and tried everything to find a common solution.

In general, the Austrian teams have performed well. NMS Nenzing came in 2nd place in the "Dance" competition in the lower level and even won in the Superteam competition. They had students from Panama and couldn't speak Spanish either. Kepler came in 2nd place in Soccer and 3rd place thanks to their excellent documentation and presentation. St. Pölten won the Superteam competition in Soccer. Unfortunately, we don't know how the universities performed as we didn't have contact with them.

The Croatians won in the Maze competition again, and the Iranians won in the Line competition.

At the end, there was a group photo of the Austrian schools and our boys, and then the Robocup was over.

The boys set out to catch up on their sleep, and Colleague Köberl and I visited a park. Besides the beautifully landscaped gardens

and - of course - lotus flowers, there was also a waterfall fueled by the brewery's cooling water.

In the evening, we had another exciting dinner. Colleague Köberl ordered small grilled skewers

and I pointed to a photo on the menu. The whole thing turned out to be a kind of stew or soup, a bit spicy, with lots of vegetables, bacon strips, and a few chunks of fat (which were left over). It also had to be finished cooking at the table.

Unfortunately, it was meant for two people - Colleague Köberl had to help.

Finally, we went up the TV tower again and then it was time to say goodbye to Nagoya. I will go to Kyoto on the last day with the team from Zeltweg, and the team from Trieben wants to visit the aquarium with a dolphin show in Nagoya.
