Day 29, Kustavi - Houtskari, 47 km

יצא לאור: 17.06.2022

Today I can gain real experience with the use of ferries, a total of five.

After a few kilometers I reach the northernmost point of my tour in Kustavi. That should be worth a photo.

From now on, today it's only going south on the Archipelago Trail.

On a ferry I start a conversation with two Finns (father and son). The crossing becomes funny when the staff from the ferry's bistro also joins the conversation. We talk about everything from conscription to world politics, Finland's desired accession to NATO, and how Finns love wool socks.

We also talk about the bilingualism of the Finns. Although I am now in 'real Finland', Swedish is spoken here partly. This varies from island to island. Rule of thumb: if Swedish is at the top of bilingual signage, it's Swedish-speaking, and vice versa.

Åbo is Swedish for Turku

I reach my destination Hyppeis, where 'destination' is a total exaggeration, in bright sunshine.

Today I am staying in a former school that was bought and converted into a hotel four years ago by a Finnish couple.

Hyppeis Värdshus

Preparations for the midsummer festival are already being made behind the house. The midsummer pole is already ready.

After the excellent dinner, I go to the sauna by the water and then even into the cold water to cool off - after being gently but firmly advised to do so by phone beforehand.

It was another beautiful day, just like every day of the tour so far. I am very grateful that I can do the tour. Since I left Stockholm, the rhythm has slowed down considerably. Just because of the many ferries, the number of kilometers per day is significantly shorter. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain a little. I am curious to see what awaits me.


דוחות נסיעות פינלנד
#houtskari #iniö#finnland #finland #skandinavien #archipelagotrail#radreise