Tag 152 - Orthography is not for cowards

יצא לאור: 06.04.2018

In Spanish, there are a few letters whose pronunciation is very similar. It's not only the children who are learning to read and write who have a problem with this. For example, the letters "v" and "b" are pronounced almost the same. Children learn the correct spelling using memory aids such as: "v" like "vaca" or "b" like "burro".

The little Isaac, who had almost driven me to despair in one-on-one lessons a few weeks ago, had a short dialogue with Luis today, which I don't want to withhold from you.

Luis: "Isaac, this word is spelled with "m"!"

Isaac: "With "m" like "vaca" or "m" like "caballo"?"

Still no news from Gurb. Temperature up to 34 degrees Celsius in the shade, hardly any wind, cloudless.
