Tag 104 - Corporal punishment

יצא לאור: 16.02.2018

Yesterday there was something on the butt. Not with me. How did I get on that? Maybe because the two grandchildren Janner and Nicole were just screaming and fighting so loudly that it reminded me of it. It wasn't the first time their mother took a belt and gave them a few hits. The two of them did some nonsense and ignored all warnings. Very, very strange for me, but physical punishment is quite normal in education in Nicaragua. In MY house, I can do whatever I want with MY children. Nicaragua has already signed and ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989/90. But traditional and cultural customs are hard to crack. For example, when it comes to sexual education. Ha, that's due to the lack of education, I once smartly said to my Spanish teacher. But she said that even educated women do not educate their children. You don't talk about something like that. And if the little daughter gets pregnant as a teenager (Nicaragua has one of the highest rates of child mothers in the world, 27% of births, globally 11%), she is often expelled from the family. Because her mother does not dare to stand up against the family. Or she doesn't need another mouth to feed. In many cases, there is also a rape. Another taboo. And abortions are punished with prison under all circumstances.

The photo doesn't fit in at all: the most chocolatey-looking chocolate muffin in Granada. The appearance deceives and next time I will go back to the bar where they have the chocolate recreation of the Mombacho volcano. That's supposed to be a dessert, but you can skip a whole meal for it.
