
Clifden Caves & Sceneric Views

יצא לאור: 26.04.2024

Well, everything Cave?

The Clifden Caves are one of the main attractions that a New Zealand visitor can experience in the south of the South Island, provided they are a little adventurous and like to play in the dirt. ;)

It's a good thing that I don't have any problems with narrow spaces, darkness or climbing sections on paths and that I also like playing in the dirt, because this adventure is full of it. This attraction is a complete cave system that was created over time and by acid in the groundwater. This cave system is solution caves and extends over 300 meters in total. Only well-equipped "cave explorers" or adventurers should venture into the caves. There should also have been no heavy rainfall to avoid the risk of flooding.

Equipped with headlamps, sturdy shoes and outdoor clothing, Amelie and I went into the caves. After the first climb and the first passage, which is really only for slimmer figures, Amelie turned around because she was not comfortable with the whole thing. That was fine with me, because I can't properly calm someone I've known for an hour if they start to panic. So I saved her number from one side of the passage while she screamed it through the cave.

Clifden Caves
Clifden Caves
Clifden Caves
Clifden Caves
Clifden Caves - Halfway there but too much water

But when the path was filled with residual water, my adventure was over because I didn't want to get my hiking boots completely wet and I could already see some of the famous glowworms in this part of the cave. Absolutely cool experience and I really enjoyed the 100-150 meters in the cave system.

Clifden Caves
Clifden Caves - incl. Glowworms

The small bright spot in this photo is one of these worms. Without a headlamp it was really pitch black and I couldn't see the hand in front of my own eyes.

Clifden Caves
Clifden Caves
Entrance/exit Clifden Caves with another bird friend

Right at the exit, two birds said hello to me and kept flying in and out of the cave. After a short chat with a completely wet and dirty Italian family, I continued on the scenic route towards Manapouri. Here, completely by chance, I had some of the most beautiful car views so far:

Random view on the way to Manapouri
Random view on the way to Manapouri
Random river view in the Southlands
Random river view in the Southlands
Random river view in the Southlands

When I arrived at the campsite, I was pretty exhausted from so many new impressions and was very happy about a hot shower. That evening, because of the weather, I decided that I wanted to drive to the Mavora Lakes the next day and night. Part of Lord of the Rings was also filmed here and the landscape and nature up there is said to be really beautiful. You can find out more about that and who is accompanying me in the next post.

Your cave explorer,


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