
My first day in school!

יצא לאור: 07.05.2024

After a few days of getting used to things, my language school started today! From now on it's Mon - Thu:

  • 10:00-13:00 group lessons
  • 13:10-15:10 Private lessons

First I had to pick up my books from the office (Sogang 4B, I was a bit shocked because we last did 2B in the VHS course and 3A/B was actually the agreed level), and then we got started straight away.

The language school is located on the 6th/7th floor of this building.

My class consists of four students: a Polish woman, a Chinese man, an American (with Korean roots) and me. I would estimate the teacher to be in her late 50s/early 60s. She does move the lessons along at a good pace, but she's not afraid to crack jokes. That's a good way to score points with me. 😅

We started in the middle of lesson 2 (apparently they started the book last week) and got halfway through lesson 3 in 3 hours. So much for the pace. 😬

I think I was just panicking for the first 30-40 minutes. I couldn't keep up, hardly understood anything, and had the impression that the others were all much further ahead than me.

And then suddenly it clicked and I was in. It's not easy and 5 hours a day is definitely a lot. But I think my self-confidence when it comes to the language will go on an enormous journey in the next 3 weeks! 🙌

The content was about proverbs.

Here are a few examples including translation. Can you guess the corresponding German proverb?

  1. I'm a little nervous and I just hate people. — Words without feet travel hundreds of kilometers.
  2. You can only tell whether something is long or short by comparing it.
  3. People who eat bland food should definitely order it. — The tiger comes when you talk about him.
  4. Nobody learns in the old elementary school any more. — The other person’s rice cake always looks bigger.
  5. I'm a little nervous and I'm a little nervous. — Even a monkey falls from a tree sometimes.

The private lessons were completely different. The teacher is the same age as me, or a little younger, I would guess, and the pace and topics are completely tailored to my wishes.

So we caught up on lesson 1, which I had missed, and did my homework together. The time went by really quickly, I felt like I did at the crash language course in Romania (Alive! Challenged! Mentally stimulated! Happy! But also exhausted.)

On the way home, I stopped off at the main train station to get tickets for the planned weekend trips (but I think I'll have to cancel something again, it's getting too much for me).

For dinner I had Korean fried chicken from a local shop and rice from the convenience store because I can't figure out how to use the delivery app (yet).

Korean fried chicken with pickled radish, rice with the remaining tuna, and kim leaves.

I definitely need vegetables for dinner tomorrow. Good thing I saved some vegan options!

We'll have to see if I can keep up the daily reports, depending on how exhausted I am after class (and how much new stuff there is to tell).

Otherwise: 무소식이 희소식 — No news is good news! ☺️

תשובה (9)

속담 재밌어 !! 언제든 질문 있으면 나에게 물어봐 :) 이제 내가 독일 대학에서 어떤 기분인지 알겠지??

Juchu, danke für den Bericht. I love it!! Ich bewundere deine Motivation und kann die Gefühle so gut nachvollziehen: Panik, Hoffnung, Glück, ... Bleib dran, das klingt alles großartig. Das Pensum allerdings finde ich straff. Mittagspause braucht keiner...? LG!

Wow das klingt als hättest du keine Zeit mehr für Trash TV.. "Wo ist da die Fairness geblieben?Wo?" Ich möchte lösen: 1. Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold. 2. Über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten. 3. Über den Teufel reden. 4. Das Gras ist immer grüner auf der anderen Seite. 5. Niemand ist unfehlbar. ... habe ich jetzt was gewonnen? :D ich habe auch ganz bestimmt nicht meine beste Freundin gefragt.. Und was bedeutet 떡 줄 놈은 밥 말아 먹고? Naja, Schaun mer mal was wird...

Wieder ein spannender Bericht und coole Redewendungen! Stress dich nicht mit den Berichten, liebe Nina. Es ist auch schön, einfach mal nur Fotos zu sehen oder zumindest eine Vokabel des Tages damit wir wissen, dass du noch fleißig bist. 😉 Weiterhin eine wundervolles Zeit dir und danke für deine Eindrücke und das kleine Rätsel heute. ❤️

어 지연아, 지금은 드디어 이해할 수 있지!!! 항상 고마워, 도워줘서 ♥

Hallo Uta, Ja Mittagspause, pah, das ist was für Leute die nicht in 10 Minuten 20 Snacks in sich reinstopfen können 😉.

Hallo Kathi, großartig, mindestens 50% richtig! Als Gewinn darfst du dir was von Kyobo wünschen (dann hab ich ne Ausrede, noch mal hin zu gehen.) 😂

Hallo Jan, die Vokabel des Tages ist "찜질방" (Jimg-Jill-Bang), das heißt Sauna. Wir haben nämlich sehr lange darüber diskutiert was man in koreanischen Saunas alles leckeres essen kann. Gegrillten Reiskuchen zum Beispiel! 😊

Fried Anni
Chiiiiickeeeeeen! Und ein Bier dazu? Ich habe den Geschmack auf der Zunge

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