
Spain completely different than expected

יצא לאור: 19.09.2019

From Biaritz we go to northern Spain. Bilbao is our first destination in the rainy and incredibly green northern Spain. In Bilbao, "Puppy" sits in front of the imposing Guggenheim Museum and stands guard. Neither the architecture of the building nor the various exhibitions impress me, maybe I just didn't feel like it that day. While Joni and I enjoy tapas in the museum cafe, Gerhard and Conno excitedly run through the many floors. From Bilbao we head back to the Atlantic and the coastline reminds us all of Ireland. We didn't expect that here. Beautiful and with the best weather. Here we also cross the Camino de Santiago, and since I already had the idea in Germany to take a few days of timeout from my family and go on a pilgrimage, we are now considering where I could 'start'. We leave the coast and my adventure on the Camino de Santiago is supposed to begin in Leon. But then everything turns out differently.


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