ફ્ર્યુલી-વેનેઝિયા જિયુલિયા

પ્રવાસવર્ણનો ફ્ર્યુલી-વેનેઝિયા જિયુલિયા

નવા અને વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત પ્રવાસ બ્લોગ્સ ફ્ર્યુલી-વેનેઝિયા જિયુલિયા

Slovenia 7: Trieste

On the last stage, we cross a national border and finish the tour in Trieste, Italy.

Cycling Route Alpe-Adria - Stage 7

Udine - Grado (just under 60 km) - The last section of the Alpe-Adria route can be described relativ...

Cyclovia Alpe-Adria - Stage 6

Venzone - Udine (around 55 km) - Today was the day when we definitely completed the Alpe part of the...

Alpe-Adria Cycle Path - Stage 5

Tarvisio - Venzone (60 km) - Apparently our lament was heard, although yesterday morning in Tarvisio...

Ciclovia Alpe-Adria - Stage 4

Villach - Tarvisio (38km) - Once again, the weather frog determined the schedule, although on this d...