Week 28 - Archipelago Coast Sweden

પ્રકાશિત: 28.05.2022

This week I had to make some decisions about the further course of the trip. I was really torn because all options are great. Well, I finally made a decision and threw the previous ideas overboard. I call them ideas on purpose because I don't have any plans ;-) For now, I will leave Norway aside (literally haha) and continue traveling north in Sweden in the coming weeks. It feels good to have made a decision, even though I would have liked to implement all the ideas, but almost 10 months is simply not enough for everything ;-)

This week I spent on the archipelago coast above Gothenburg.

The workshop appointment on Tuesday was successful and no new problem was found. I hope that's it for now. Honestly, I expected problems much earlier, after all, my camper van is not the youngest anymore. That's why I'm grateful to have been traveling without any problems for 6 months. But now I've had enough of workshop appointments :-)

I was in Klädesholmen on Tuesday, a small village. All the houses here are white and partly located on the skerries. The skerries are the large rocks on the coast.

Next stop was Skärhamn, Kyrkesund and Grundsund. On the way there was a sculpture trail, the entrance fee was a bit expensive with 15 euros, but since I was already there...

I spent the weekend in Smögen. The most visited village on the coast here. The villages are all very similar, but each one is really beautiful. The small houses on the water or on the skerries make a totally idyllic impression.

Driving in Sweden is so much fun, the roads are generally really good and the landscape is varied. You drive through lush green beech forests, alternating with pine forests. Then suddenly the forest opens up and you drive past a beautiful lake or another red Swedish house appears in the forest. Most of the time you only see the mailboxes of the houses on the main road, as many houses are set back several meters into the forest.

Sections of the roads are often replaced by ferries. You don't save time, but many kilometers. The ferries are often free of charge and run every 20 minutes or so.

Which brings us directly to the fun fact of this week: All mailboxes are located by the roadside and not directly at the house, even in the towns. This is because the drivers of the postal cars are seated on the right-hand side and can drop off the mail without getting out of the car.

Something else caught my attention as well. Here, the boats in the front yard are like garden gnomes to us. And I'm not talking about rowing boats, but small and large motorboats.

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