We have arrived safely and well

પ્રકાશિત: 13.12.2021

We are checking in today from Toubab-Senegal, completely happy. We traveled 7000km overnight. The children managed these long flights and the transfer at night brilliantly. At the airport, a reception committee awaited us with joy.

Then the car was loaded typically Senegalese with our luggage and us. Upon arrival in Toubab, the night seemed very easy. 12/13 And we smear ourselves with sunscreen on the beach. Who is thinking of sleeping then? FAMARAS family cooked us delicious Thiebijen, the Senegalese dish. Afterwards, there was café Touba non-stop and another round to the sea in front of the front door.

Now we will plan tomorrow's day and finally sleep. ✈️😇🙏🏼😴

જવાબ આપો (1)

Ui wie schön. Ich habe Gänsehaut. Ihr habt es wirklich geschafft und alle sehen so glücklich aus. Liebe Grüße an die Crew.

મુસાફરી અહેવાલો સેનેગલ

વધુ પ્રવાસ અહેવાલો